유형학적 접근방식에 의한 실내디자인 과정에 관한 연구 (II)

A Study on Interior Design Process by approaching Typological Method

  • 한경희 (정회원, 신흥대학 실내디자인과) ;
  • 이선민 (정회원, 신흥대학 실내디자인과)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


For the useful method capable of modern expression on traditional residence architecture, a study was performed on the methodological establishment and possibility of typological method could be examinated to interior design process by typological method. First of all, through the establishment verbal of our Korean traditional architecture and further investigation of environmental and cultural idealogical facts, it could be extracted from natural instinct, duality, continuance, flexibility and transitiov. In second process, based on these results, it could be framed and described the individual typological language and, for the sake of drawing for visual and spatial typology, it was made by sketch in terms and view of possibile guidance of prototype, transforming and application method. from these results of investigated sketches, it cold be used for criteria of application method as the parts of visual and spatial typological elements to have an applicable expression of it/s traditionality. Based on above facts, for the subjects of spatial system, form & shape system, circulation system, order system, decoration system, color & material system in interior design fields, we cold propose the practical possibility through the consideration of application method for built-in meaning that could be adaptable for the interior design practices. These facts were extracted from the based on visual & spatial typology, as above mentiov. Also, through preparing and suggesting the criteria of evaluation and measurement of design quality , we could propose the applicable methodology for further & basically Korean traditional embodiment.



  1. 한국 주거문화의 역사 강영환
  2. 우리 엣 건축에 담긴 표정들 류경수
  3. 우리 옛집 이야기 박영순(외 7인)
  4. 한국인의 옛 조형의 미 송민구
  5. 건축시학 안토니 C. 안토니아데스;김경준(역)
  6. 한국건축의장 주남철
  7. 한국주택건축 주남철
  8. 한국 건축과 실내
  9. Architecture Form Spcae and Architecture(건축의 형태와 공간과 규범) Francis D.K.;Ching;박경서(역)
  10. 건축의 기본조형원리 G. Franco Fonatti;박항섭(역)
  11. Space and Form in Architecture(건축의 공간과 형태) Jurgen Joedicke;진경돈(역)
  12. D'Architectes Joel Carion;Maison
  13. Architecture(건축의 구성론) Rob Krie;진경돈(역)
  14. Between Principle and Form(건축형태와 원리) Paul Laseau;James Tice;진경돈(역)
  15. Penser L'Habite
  16. 한국 건축사 특론 세미나집
  17. 도시공간디자인에 있어서 신합리주의 유형론의 적용에 관한 연구 김동열
  18. 한국 전통주거공간에서 유형학적 요소의 분석과 현대적 변용에 관한 연구 김보아
  19. 대한건축학회 v.14 no.1 유학적 생활규범에 의한 조선시대 주거건축의 공간구성에 관한 연구 도용호
  20. 실내환경디자인에서의 한국성 표현에 대한 방법적 모색과 공간 작업에 관한 연구-박물과 실내디자인 모형사례 신서영
  21. 대한건축학회 v.18 no.2 한국 전통건축공간의 투영성에 관한 연구 최은석;김진균