패션전문점의 비쥬얼 머천다이징 (Visual merchandising) 전략에 관한 연구 -멀티브랜드 매장을 중심으로-

A Study on Visual Merchandising strategy of fashion store -Focused on the plan for the Multiple brand shop-

  • 장규순 (정회원, 동서울대학 의상디자인과)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


The Fashion Distribution Business (FDB) is thriving to such an extent that the current period is called "The Era of Fashion." This FDB shows tendencies towards specialzation, globalization and expansion. The domestic FDB has been rapidly globalizing, and thus it is time for us to recognize that the fashion business has grown beyond its former role as a production-oriented retail business to include multiple new roles. This strategy to plant Store Identity on customers is just a Visual Merchandising (VMD) Strategy. That is, a strategy to visualize the Product Planning, which can be called a Complex Visual Expressing Technical System that classifies and arranges products in order to be easily seen, chosen, and bought through exhibition and arrangement. My aim is to break away from the conept that has been focused only on display division and to present product scheme correctly and to establish a VMD Plan which can also contribute to sales promotion by providing infirmation and arranging Store Display efficiently for customers. Additionally, this is aimed to present an efficient and sensitive design process.esign process.



  1. 패션상품의 소지바 행동 고선영;김선국(외 편저)
  2. CIP와 상표전략 김연수
  3. 소비자 행동론 김영재
  4. 감성시대의 칼라마케팅 김훈철;장영렬
  5. 패션디스플레이의 이론과 실제 박옥련(외)
  6. 기업인의 이미지 서재영
  7. 비쥬얼 머천다이징 & 디스플레이 심낙훈
  8. 패션기업경영론(어패럴경영학) 안병기
  9. 현대와 패션 이부련;안병기(공저)
  10. VMD에 따른 패션디스플레이 이영주
  11. 패션마케팅 이은영
  12. 실전디스플레이 v.1 no.2 이철원;정필원(공저)
  13. 소비자 행동 이학식;안공호(공저)
  14. 패션유통산업 이호정
  15. 디스플레이북 최민역
  16. 점포개발 핸드폰 (주)코아디자인(편저)
  17. 비쥬얼 머천다이징 (주)포텍스(저)
  18. 성공경영을 위한 점포디자인 William. R. Green(저);남선우(역)
  19. Journal of Consumer Research v.2 A Path- Analystic Exploration of Retail Patronage Influence K.B.Monore;J.B.Guiltian
  20. Designing to Sell Vilma Barr;Charles E. Broudy
  21. SIP 개발과 그 과정에 관한 연구 이재숙
  22. 한국실내디자인학회지 no.9 패션유통산업의 SI개발에 다른 VMD계획에 관한 연구 장규순
  23. no.SUMMER 3 한국디스플레이협회 KODIA