20세기를 전후한 교회건축의 근대적 변천양상에 관한 연구

A Study of Aspects of Modern Church Architecture Changes in 20th Century

  • 조경수 (정회원, 동원대학 건축과) ;
  • 윤도근 (명예회장, 홍익대학교 건축학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.09.01


The purpose of the research is to reveal the process of the formation of modern church architecture in 20th century. In order to do that, neo-gothic architecture which starts in the point of view of ethic in the 19th century will be discussed first. Then the relations between Arts and Crafts Movement and church architecture which is the beginning of modern architecture movement will be revealed. After that, the purpose of Secession's church architecture which tried to separate from old architecture and the formation of background of localistic church architecture which is one of the modern church architecture will be discussed. Based on those discussions, the research in concluded the several characteristics of church architecture which makes it modern architecture. The research is focused to the portions which is related to the church architectures among the architectural conditions so complicated as to be easily confused. And also it is focused the architect those who should be mentioned in the same context and their works.



  1. Church Builders Edwin Heathcote
  2. Forms and Functions of 20th Centry Architecture v.3 Talbot Hamlin
  3. 윤리성과 건축 David Watkin;장정수 역
  4. 근대 건축의 역사 Ludwig Hiberseimer;윤재희;지연순 역
  5. 근대건축의 이념과 변화 Peter Colins;이정수 역
  6. 현대건축의 조름 Vittorio M. Lampugnani;이호정 역
  7. 미술공예운동과 건축 윤재희;지연순 편저
  8. 20세기 건축 지연순 편저
  9. 현대 한국교회 건축계획에 관한 연구 조경수
  10. 합리주의와 역사주의 사이에서 살았던 휴머니스트
  11. 건축과 환경 v.9201 스칸다나비아의 교회건축 김정선
  12. 建築の技術 ハソガリ-民族の建築樣式 多田和秀(외2명)