원격탐사에 의한 강수탐지와 연속감시

  • 정효상 (기상연구소 원격탐사 연구실장)
  • 발행 : 1999.05.01




  1. 한국기상학회지 v.34 no.1 한반도 여름 강우의 장기변동과 지역적 특성 권태영;오성남;박상욱
  2. 한국기상학회지 v.33 no.4 한반도 주변 해역 강수량 사이의 상호관계 임규호;서애숙;이용섭
  3. 개인 서신 박대문
  4. 한국기상학회지 v.24 no.1 한국 지역 강수의 변동성에 관한 연구 허창희;강인식
  5. Remote Sensing of Environment v.12 Estimation of the Precipitable Water from the IR Channel of the Geostationary Satellite Aoki, T.;T. Inoue
  6. J. of Korean Meteor. Soc. v.30 no.2 Total Precipitable Water Derived by Satellite Observations over the Tropical Pacific Pacific Ocean Chung, H. S.
  7. Montrey. Calif. USA. Amer. Meteor. Soc. Statistical Retrieval of Precipitable Water from TOVS and OLR. Seventh Conf. on Satellite Meterorology and Oceanography McGuirk, J. P.;H. S. Chung
  8. Unpublished Work. C-16 Notes on Satellite Meterology Menzel, P. W.
  9. Precipitation Effects on Microwave Sounding Unit Data. 2nd Conf. on Satellite Meteorology/Remote Sensing and Applications Nappi A.;A. Swaroop;N. C. Grody;J. Weinman
  10. American Meterological Society Weather Satellite: Systems, Data and Environmental Applications Rao, P. Krishna;S. J. Holmes;R. K. Anderson;J. S. Winston;P. E. Lehr
  11. J. Climate v.3 Global atmospheric temperature monitoring with satellite measurements : method and results 1979-84 Spencer R. W.;J. R. Christy;N. C. Grody
  12. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. v.60 The TIROS-N operational vertical sounder Smith, C.;Hayden, D. Wark;L. M. Mcmillin
  13. J. Appl. Meteor. v.28 Observational Analysis of North Alantic Tropical Cyclones from NOAA Polar-orbiting Satellite Microwave Data Velden C. S.
  14. J. Climate Appl. Meteor. v.22 Monitoring Tropical Cyclone Evolution with NOAA Satellite Microwave Observations Velden C. S.;W. L. Smith
  15. NOAA Tech. Rep. NESDIS 32 Precipitation Detection with Satellite Microwave Data Yang C. G.;A. Timchalk
  16. J. Korean Meteor. Soc. v.28 no.1 Global Warming from Satellite Microwave Measurements Yoo J. M.