웨이브렛 변환 이용한 감쇠율 예측과 승용차 하쉬니스 평가에의 응용

A Study on Estimation of Damping Coefficient Using Wavelet Transform and Its Application to the Evaluation of Harshness in Passenger Car

  • 이상권 (인하대학교 공과대학 기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


Estimation of damping ratio for vibration signals measured on the passenger car's sear is useful for the objective evaluation of impact harshness in car. The vibratio signal is a transient signal represented by many coupled modes of suspension system. Wavelet transform automatically decouples these modes in the time-frequency domain. Damping ratios for decoupled modes are obtained by logarithmic treatment for the Wavelet transformed signal. The objective evaluation using Wavelet transform has been well corresponded with subjective evaluation done by skilled engineers.



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