방염직물의 역학 특성과 수분전달 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Mechanical Properties and Moisture Transport Properties of Flame Resistant Fabrics

  • 발행 : 1999.03.01


This study investigated the mechanical properties, moisture transport properties, and physical properties of five flame-resistant fabric samples. They were Nomex, flame-resistant polyester and cotton, cotton/Basofil, and aromatic polyamide/aluminum coating fabrics. Mechanical properties and moisture transport properties were important factors that affected clothing comfort. Wicking and moisture transport behaviors of test fabrics were investigated. The results showed that fabric construction and thickness affected moisture transport properties. Mechanical properties were measured by KES-FB (Kawabata evaluation system), and THV (total hand value) was calculated. Thickness, weight, and air permeability were also measured. Fukurami significantly affected THV, and THV had a good correlation with air permeability.



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