(+)-Catechin에 의한 백혈병 세포 HL-60의 분화 유도효과

Differentiation Inducing Effect of (+)-Catechin in Human Leukemia HL60 Cells

  • 발행 : 1999.03.01


(+)-Catechin inhibited the growth and induced the differentiation of HL-60 human leukimia cells. The degree of a differentiation by (+)-catechin during the differentiation, the expression assay, To understand the molecular mechanism of (+)-catechin during the differentiation, the expression level of oncogenes was detected by Northern blot analysis. c-Myc mRNA level was reduced after treatment with (+)-Catechin (10-4), however, the expression of c-jun was increased with a concentration dependent manner in HL-60 cells. These results showed that the differentiation and antiproliferation of HL-60 cells against (+)-Catechin was related to the reduction of c-myc and the induction of c-jun expression.



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