Offsite Consequence Analysis for Accidental Release Scenarios of Toxic Substances in the Yochon Area

여천지역 누출사고 시나리오에 따른 인근 지역 피해 분석

  • 김영성 (한국과학기술연구원 환경연구센타)
  • Published : 1999.04.01


Offsite consequences resulting form worst-case scenarios involving release of toxic substances in the Yochon area were estimated using the ALOHA(Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres) model. Eight toxic substances, including NH3, were considered; five were toxic gases and three were toxic liquids at ambient temperature. For toxic gases, the entire quantity was assumed to be released at a constant rate during a 10-minute period. For toxic liquids, the entire quantity stored in the tank was assumed to be spilled and spread and spread instantaneously to form a pool with a depth of 1cm, and then evaporated over some period of time. Except for phosgene and toluene 2,4-diisocyanate, for which concentration levels corresponding to human health effects are very low, average distances of the area at risk of adverse health effects for a 1- tom release were predicted to be $2.3{\pm}1.1 km$ for the worst-case meteorological conditions and $0.93{\pm}0.69km$ under typical meteorological conditions of the Yochon are. Because a large number of people were predicted to be affected in the current analysis, refined analyses considering both realistic accident scenarios and topographic effects were warranted.



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