An Experimental Study on Exhaust Gas Reduction of Diesel Oxidation Catalyst by CVS-75 Mode in Light Duty Diesel Engine

小型디젤機關에서 CVS-75 모드에 따른 디젤 酸化觸媒裝置의 排出가스 低減에 關한 實驗的 硏究

  • Published : 1999.08.01


Recently, increasing usage of diesel vehicle, many countries try to reduce the pollutant materials by emission regulation standard. Particularly, in our country, the supplement ratio of diesel vehicle is high, and air pollution by particulate matter(PM) is very serious. So, in theoretical study wer analyzed the formation principle of gaseous emission and PM, the characteristics of CVS-75 mode. In experimental study, we tested exhaust gas reduction of emission and PM, the characteristics of CVS-75 mode. In experimental study, we tested exhaust gas reduction of disel oxidation catalyst(DOC) by CVS-75 mode in light duty diesel vehicle. In case of an automobiletest with the 2,956cc diesel engine which DOC was equipped, CVS-75 mode which is similar to driving conditions on the road was chosen as the restrictive mode of light duty diesel automobile in our country. According to the Pt, the reduction rate of exhaust emission was estimated with using 0.1% high sulfur fuel and 0.05% low sulfur fuel.



  1. 국민대학교 박사학위 논문 소형디젤기관에서 DOC가 배출가스에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 김종춘
  2. 디젤자동차 입자상물질 여과장치의 성능평가 및 재생 기술개발 조강래
  3. SAE 950149 Global Trends in Diesel Particulate Control -A 1995 Update Michael Walsh