- Control of manure odors ASAE
- Manure storage safety ASAE
- BioCycle v.32 no.11 Controlling compost odors Horst, W. G.;F. Matten;S. H. Vold;J. M. Walker
- Plant and Soil v.115 Ammonia volatilization during aerobic and anaerobic manure decomposition Kirchman, H.;E. Witter
- Proceeding of the 3rd Int,l Dairy Housing Conf. Low emission dairy waste management by separating and composing. -Dairy systems for the 21st century- Kack, M.;J. Beck;T. Jungbluth
- Landtechnik v.48 no.8/9 Ammoniakemissionen bei der Kompostierung tierischer Exkremente Kack, M.;T. Jungbluth;J. Beck
- Livestock waste facilities handbook Midwest Plan Service
- On-Farm Composting Handbook Rynk, R.(et al)
- Draft guidelines for controlling sewage composting odors USEPA
- In Science and Engineering of Composting Control of composting odors Walker, J. M.