Over 4.1 billion metric tons of non-hazardous solid wstes are generated in the United States annually. Therefore, there is a need to reuse or reprocess as many products or by-products as possible. In this report, theaggregates produced from Naval Shipyard and Charleston area dredge spoils are designated as GP-21-23 and GP 4-5, repectively. The major objective of this study is to determine the feasiblity of the use of these aggregates in concrete. The followings are some of the conclusions, observations and recommendations regarding this portion of the research project. In most cases, the unit weight of concrete containing GP 21-23 and GP 4-5 (vitrified galss) lower than the control concrete, and the concrete containing vitrified glass produced lower compressive and bending strength compared to the control. However the concrete containing virtrified glass could be used in the field based on the minimum criterial set for the mix design. The use of vitrified glass in concrete is recommended in several applications except parking lots, side walks and main roads, because abrasion resistace is not high.