Drought is a serious diaster in agriculutre, especially to upland crops. Hence, the Agricultural Drought Analysis Model (ADAM) that is integratable with GIS was applied to analyae agriculture drought in upland. ADAM is composed of two sub-models , one is a Soil Water Balance Model (SWBM) and the other is a Drougth Analysis Model (DAM) that is based on the Runs theory. The ADAM needs weather data, rainfall data and soil physical characteristics data as input and calculates daily soil moisture contents. GIS was integrated to the ADAM for the calculation of regional soil moisture using digitized landuse map, detaile dsoil map, thiessen network and district boundary . For the agriculutral drought analysis, the ADAM adapt the Runs theory for analyzing drought duration, severity and magnitude . Log-Pearson Type-III probability distribution function and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test were used to test the fitness of good of the model. The integration of ADAM with GIS was successfully implemented and would be operated effectively for the regional drought analysis.