- New Left Review v.178 Marxism and natural limits Benton,T.
- New Left Review v.194 Ecology, socialism and the mastery of nature: A reply to Reiner Grundmann Benton,T.
- Marx and Justice: The Radical Critique of Liberalism Buchanan,A.E.
- Science and Society v.60 no.3 Value, capital and nature: some ecological implications of Marx's critique of political economy Burkett,P.
- Tosiyeongu (Urban Studies: Journal of KOCER) v.3 Domination of nature, dealienation, and recognition: the relation between humans and nature in Marxian ecology Choi,B-D.
- Moonyemihak (Literary Asethetics: Journal of Literary Aesthetics Association) v.3 Marx's conception of morality and justice: implications for environmental justice Choi,B-D.
- Marx, Justice and History Cohen,M.(ed.);Nagel,T.(ed.);Scanlon,T.(ed.)
- Marking Peace with the Planet Commoner,B.
- Green and Red: Evolving Ecological Socialism (Socialsit Studies vol. 9) The law of value and Marxian political ecology Devine,J.;Vorst,J.(ed.);Dobson,R.(ed.);Fletcher,R.(ed.)
- A Theory of Human Needs Doyal,L.;Harris,R.
- Environmentalism and Political Theory: Towards an Ecocentric Approach Eckersley,R.
- Making Sense of Marx Elster,J.
- Marx and Human Nature, New Left Books Geras,N.
- New Left Review v.150 The controversy about Marx and justice Geras,N.
- New Left Review v.195 Bring Marx to justice: an addendum and rejoinder Geras,N.
- Marxism and Ecology Grundmann,R.
- New Left Review v.187 The ecological challenge to Marxism Grundmann,R.
- The Limit to Capital Harvey,D.
- Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference Harvey,D.
- The Struggle for Recognition: The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts Honneth,A.
- Philosophy and Phenomenological Research v.8 no.1 Marx on distributive justice Husami,Z.I.
- Marx, Justice and History M.Cohen(et al.)(eds.)
- Theory and Practice (Nomos 37) The end of morality? Theory, practice, and the realistic outlook of Karl Marx Kane,J.;;Shapiro,I.(ed.);Decew,J.W.(ed.)
- Chulhak(Philosophy: Journal of Korean Philosophical Association) v.34 Marx's concept of nature Lee,J.W.
- The Production of Space Lefebvre,A.
- Capitalism, Nature, Socialism v.4 no.1 Marxism and the environmental question: from the critical theory of production to an environmental rationality for sustainable development Leff,E.
- Green Production: Toward an Environmental Ratinality Leff,E.
- Marx and Morality Lukes,S.
- Capital v.3 Marx,K.
- Capital v.1 Marx,K.
- Karl Marx: Selected Writings Marx,K.
- The German Ideology Marx,K.;Engels,F.
- The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 Marx,K.
- Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy Marx,K.
- Technics and Civilisation. vol.2;The Future of Technics and Civilisation Mumford,L.
- Alienation: Marx's Conception of Man in Capitalist Society Ollman,B.
- Introduction to Marx and Engels on Ecology Parsons,H.
- Marxism, Morality, and Social Justice Peffer,R.G.
- Eco-Socialism: From Deep Ecology to Social Justice Pepper,D.
- The Concept of Justice in Marx Pruzan,E.R.
- The Concept of Nature in Marx Schmidt,A.
- Uneven Development: Nature, Capital and the Production of Space Smith,N.
- Future Natural: Nature, Science, Culture Smith,N.;Robertson,G.(ed.);Mash,M.(ed.);Tickner,L.(ed.);Bird,J.(ed.);Curtis,B.(ed.);Putnam,T.(ed.)
- Hankuk-jungchihak-heobo(Korean Political Science Review) v.4 Justice as false consciousness : Marx's critique of justice Suh,Y.J.
- Chulhak (Philosophy: Journal of Korean Philosophical Association) v.33 Distributive justice and Marxism Sul,H.Y.
- The Domination of Nature Weiss,W.
- Political Studies v.44 Needs, labour, and Marx's conception of justice White,S.
- The Whale and the Reactor Winner,L.
- Philosophy and Public Affair v.1 no.3 The Marxian cirtique of justice Wood,A.W.
- Marx, Justice and History Cohen,M.(et al.)(eds.)
- Karl Marx Wood,A.W.
- Marx and Morality Doing Marx justice Young,G.;Nielsen,K.(ed.);Patten,S.C.(ed.)
- Canadian Journal of Philosophy v.9 no.1 Exploitation, alienation, and injustices Buchanan,A.E.