- Professional Geographer v.42 Gender differences in commuting distance, residence and employment location : metropolitan Haifa Blumen,O.;Kellerman,A.
- Professional Geographer v.37 Commuting distance and gender among nonmetropolitan university employees Brooker-Gross,S.R.;Maraffa,T.A.
- Social Problems v.24 An analysis of the journey to work for women Erickson,J.A.
- T.E.S.G. v.74 Womens commuting patterns in the Paris region Fagani,J.
- Regional Studies v.23 Gender differences in metropolitan travel behaviour Gordon,P.;Rechardson,H.W.
- Urban Geography v.6 Gender differences in work trip length : explanations and implications Hanson,S.;Johnston,I.
- Professional Geographer v.34 Travel to work and labor force participation of men and women in Australian metropolitan area Howe,A.;O'Connor,K.
- Professional Geographer v.44 The influence of household type on gender differences in work trip distance Johnston-Anumonwo,I.
- Urban Studies v.18 Why women work closer to home Madden,J.F.
- Progress in Human Geography v.4 The analysis of journey to work patterns in human geography O'Connor,K.
- Urban Studies v.2 An empirical analysis of the commute to work patterns of males and females in two-earner households Singell,L.D.;Lillydahl,J.H.
- Agriculture in Wales during the Napoleonic Wars Thomas,D.
- Journal of Regional Science v.9 Some effects of occupational status on work trips Wheeler,J.O.
- Journal of Regional Science v.17 A model of residentral location choice and commuting by men and women workers White,M.J.
- 한국지역지리학회지 v.3 no.1 慶南 西部地域의 中心地 勢力圈 變化와 住民 通勤形態 硏究 : 晋州 都市圈地域의 通勤-逆通勤을 中心으로 郭喆弘;李錢
- 地理學 v.28 no.3 性에 따른 職住分離와 通勤通行 패턴의 差異 : 서울의 旣婚女性과 旣婚男性을 中心으로 盧時鶴;孫宗我
- 梨花女子大學校 大學院 碩士學位論文 首都圈地域의 通勤詩性에 關한 硏究(1980-1990) 朴信姸
- 地理敎育論集 v.28 서울 市民의 通勤 패턴에 대한 硏究 : 女性을 中心으로 沈基汀
- 誠臣女子大學校 大學院 碩士學位論文 郊外地域 住民의 移住行態와 通勤樣相에 關한 硏究 : 서울 周邊地域을 中心으로 李紫苑
- 地理學論叢 v.16 農村地域 敎師들의 活動空間 : 忠北鎭川郡의 事例硏究 許晶樺
- 人文地理 v.45 女性就業に關する地理學的 硏究 : 英語圈諸國の硏究動向とわ硏究課題 吉田容子
- 地理學評論 v.70 世帶のライフステ-ジかち見た千菓縣柏市における旣婚女性の通勤行動の變化 川瀨正樹