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- 지리학 v.27 no.3 1980년대 한국자본주의 발달과 공간구조의 변화 고태경
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- 매일신문
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- Liberal Protection: the International politics of organized Textile Trade Aggarwal,V.K.
- The Deindustrialization of America Bluestone,B.;Harrison,B.
- The World in Their Web:Dynamics of Textile Multinationals Clairmonte,F.;Cavanagh,J.
- Textiles and Apparel in the International Economy Dickerson,K.G.
- Urban Studies v.31 Industrial change and regional development in Western Europe Fielding,A.J.
- The Political Economy of American Trade Policy The MFA paradox: more protection and more trade, Finger,J.M.;Harrison,A.;Krueger,A.O.
- U.S.Korean Relations Foreign direct investment between the United States and South Korea: Issues and Trends Kim,E.M.;Clark,D.N.(et al.)
- Journal of the Korean Geographical Society v.31 no.4 Economic and political responses to globalization: economic restructuring and local government as an entrepreneur Koh,T.K.
- Journal of the Korean Geographical Society v.29 no.4 Regional development in economic restructuring toward the information society: the case fo Korea Lee,H.Y.
- Environment and Planning A v.26 Restructuring of the footware industry and the industrial adjustment of the Pusan economy Lim,J.D.
- Spatial Division of Labour: Social Structures and the Geography of Production Massey,D.
- Microcircuits of Capital Morgan,K.;Sayer,A.
- The Organiastion for Economic Cooperation and Development New Forms of Investment in Developing Country Industries: Mining, Petrochemicals, Automobiles, Textiles, Food Oman,C.
- University of Hawaii at Manoa, Ph.D.dissertation The Development of the Textile Industry in Taegu, South Korea Park,K.T.
- Environment and Planning A v.25 Industrial restructuring and the spatial division of labor: the case of the Seoul metropolitan region,the Republic of Korea Park,S.O.
- Sociology v.25 no.4 Gender relations, technology and employment change in the contemporary textile industry Penn,R.(et al.)
- International Trade: Trends and Statistics World Trade Organization
- Resource Systems Institute Economic Development and International Trade: The Japanese Model Yamazawa,I.