실업에 대한 지리적 연구 동향 및 과제

Geographical Research Trends and Issues of Unemployment

  • 최은영 (서울대학교 지리교육학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.09.01


본 논문은 영국과 미국을 중심으로 실업 연구 동향을 고찰함으로써 우리 날 실업연구를 수행하는데 있어서의 과제와 이론적 기초를 모색하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 실업의 지리적 패턴에 대한 관심은 계량혁명 시기에 시작되었으며, 이후 실업에 대한 지리학적 연구에는 많은 변화가 있었다. 실업에 대한 공식 정의들을 실업에 대한 제한적 묘사만을 제공하기 때문에 대안적인 지표-보다 광범위하고 포괄적인-가 요구되고 있다. 공식정의에 근거한 지역실업 연구는 현실의 문제를 축소하게 되는 경향이 있는데 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해서 노동시장 계정 접근이 대안적인 연구틀로서 제시된다.



  1. 서울대학교 박사학위논문 우리 나라의 실업률 추세변화에 관한 연구 남재량
  2. IMF 사태 이후 서울 저소득가구 생활실태 조사 서울시정개발연구원
  3. 서울대학교 박사학위논문 한국의 불안정취업층에 관한 연구 윤진호
  4. 서울대학교 석사학위논문 잠재실업에 관한 연구-한국비농부문을 중심으로 정진호
  5. 21세기 한국의 노동 한국노동연구원
  6. IMF 이후 도시 저소득층의 생활변화와 대응방안 한국도시연구소
  7. Regional Studies v.30 no.7 Labour market adjustment in areas of chronic industrial decline: the case of the UK coalfields Beatty,C.;FotherGill,S.
  8. Environment and Planning A v.29 Geographical variation in the labour market adjustment process: the UK coalfields 1981-91 Betty,C.;Fothergill,S.;Lawless,P.
  9. Deindustrialization and Plant Closure Jobs, Income and Health Blustone,B.;Harrison,B.;Staudahat,P.D.(ed.);Brown,H.E.(ed.)
  10. Place prosperity vs people prosperity revisited: an old issue with a new angle v.29 no.2 Bolton,R.
  11. Regional Studies v.29 no.5 Labour market outcomes and economic exclusion Borooach,V.K.;Markhart
  12. Urban Studies v.25 Politics,unemployment and local economic politics Boyne,G.A.
  13. Monthly Labor Review v.118 no.10 BLS introduces new range of alternative unemployment measures Bregger,J.E.;Haugen,S.E.
  14. Regional Studies v.31 no.4 A profile of UK unemployment: regional versus demographic influences Brown,S.;Sessions,J.G.
  15. Monthly Labor Review v.121 no.7 Person outside the labor force who want a job Castillo,M.D.
  16. Economic Geography v.63 no.2 Urban restructuring from a demographic perspectives Clark,A.V.
  17. Progress in Human Geography v.10 no.3 Regional development and policy: the geography of employment Clark,G.L.
  18. Progress in Human Geography v.4 Critical problems of geographical unemployment models Clark,G.L.
  19. Urban Geography v.1 no.3 Local labor market dynamics and the determinants of quits and layoffs Clark,G.L.
  20. Annals of the Association of American Geographers v.71 The employment relation and spatial division of labor: a hypothesis Clark,G.L.
  21. Urban Geography v.12 no.4 Developing the spatial mismatch hypothesis: problems of accessibility to employment for low-wage central city labor Cooke,T.J.
  22. Regional Studies v.30 no.4 Disparity in employment, productivity and output in the EU: the roles of labour market governance and welfare regimes Dunford,M.
  23. Global Unemployment: Loss of Jobs in the '90s Eatwell,J.(ed.)
  24. Regional Studies v.30 no.2 Putting unemployment in its place: using the samples of anonymized records to explore the rise of unemployment in Great Britain in 1991 Fieldhouse,E.A.
  25. Environment and Planning A v.29 Using the 1991 Census SAR in a multilevel analysis of male unemployment Gould,M.I.
  26. Environment and Planning A v.30 (Non)Participation on the labour market: alternative indicators and estimates of labour reserve in United Kingdom regions Green,A.E.;Hasluck
  27. Regional Studies v.31 no.5 Exculsion, unemployment, and non-employment Green,A.E.
  28. Environment and Planning A v.27 A comparison of alternative measures of unemployment Green,A.E.
  29. Economic Geography v.67 Poverty concentration measures and the urban underclass Greene,R.
  30. Economic Geography v.68 no.4 Dynamic dependency: a demographic investigation of local labor market Hanson,S.;Pratt,G.
  31. Economic Geography v.65 Misspeaking truth to power: a geographical perspective on the underclass fallacy Hughes,M.A.
  32. Urban Geography v.12 no.6 Economic restructuring and black male joblessness in U. S. metropolitan areas Johnson,J.H.,Jr.;Oliver,M.L.
  33. Regional Studies v.12 Regional unemployment patterns and the spatial dimensions of macro-economic policy: the Canadian experience 1966-1975 King,L.J.;Clark,G.L.
  34. Urban Affairs Quarterly v.24 no.2 Urban unemployment drives urban crime Kohfeld,C.W.;Sprague,J.
  35. Regional Studies v.19 no.5 The spatial variation in unemployment and labour force participation rates of male and female workers Lillydahl,J.H.;Singell,L.D.
  36. Urban Studies v.26 Urban unemployment: a casual modelling approach Mair,D.;Miller,A.G.
  37. Regional Studies v.31 no.3 Regional unemployment disparities and their dynamics Martin,R.
  38. Regional Studies v.28 no.8 Remapping British regional policy: the end of the north-south divide? Martin,R.
  39. Trans. Inst. Br. Geogr. v.13 The political economy of Britain's north-south divide Martin,R.
  40. The Anatomy of Job Loss Massey,D.;Meegan,R.
  41. Journal of Regional Science v.29 no.3 The relationship among labor force participation, service-sector employment and underemployment Nord,S.
  42. Regional Studies v.23 no.1 Labor market accounts for travel to work areas 1981-1984 Owen,D.;Green,A.E.
  43. The Professional Geographer v.42 no.3 One nation or two? The changing geography of unemployment in Great Britain,1983-1988 Pattie,C.J.;Johnston,R.J.
  44. Regional Studies v.31 no.6 Dispersion of US state unemployment rates: the role of market and non-market equilibrium factors Partridge,M.D.;Rickman,D.S.
  45. Unemployment and Local Labour Markets Robinson,P.(ed.)
  46. Urban Studies v.21 The intra-urban unemployment gradient: the influence of location on unemployment Vipond,J.