중원 지역 탄산수의 지구화학적 진화

Geochemical Evolution of CO2-rich Groundwater in the Jungwon Area

  • 발행 : 1999.10.01


Two different types of deep groundwaters occur together in the Jungwon area: $CO_2$-rich water and alkali water. Each water shows distrinct hydrogeochemical and environmental isotopic characteristics. The $CO_2$-rich waters are characterized by lower pH(6.0~6.4), higher Eh (25~85mV) and higher TDS content (up to 3,300 mg/l), whereas the alkali type waters have higher pH (9.1~9.5), lower Eh (-136~-128mV) and lower TDS content (168~254 mg/l). The CO2-rich waters ($Pco_2$=up to 1atm) were probably evolved by the local supply of deep $CO_2$ during the deep circulation, resulting in enhanced dissolution of surrounding rocks to yield high concentrations of $Ca^{2+}, Na^+, Mg^{2+}, K^+\; and \;HCO_3\;^-$ under low pH conditions. On the other hand, the alkali type waters ($Pco_2$=about 10-4.6 atm) were evolved through lesser degrees of simple wate/rock (granite) interaction under the limited suppy of $CO_2$. The alkali waters are relatively enriched in F- (up to 14mg/l), whereas the F- concentration of$CO_2$-rich water is lower (2.2~4.8 mg/l) due to the buffering by precipitation of fluorite. The oxygen-hydrogen isotopes and tritium data indicate that compared to shaltion ($\delta$18O=-9.5~-7.8$\textperthousand$),two different types fo deep groudwaters (<1.0TU)were both derived from pre-thermonuclear (more than 40 years old) meteoric waters with lighter O-H isotopic composition ($\delta$18O=-9.5~-7.8$\textperthousand$) and have evolved through prolonged water/rock interaction. The $CO_2$-rich waters also show some degrees of isotopic re-equilibration with $CO_2$ gas. The $\delta^{34}S$ values of dissolved sulfates (+24.2~+27.6$\textperthousand$) in the $CO_2$-rich waters suggest the reduction of sulfate by organic activity at depths. The carbon isotope data show that dissolved carbon in the $CO_2$-rich waters were possibly derived either from dissolution of calcite or from deep $CO_2$ gas. However, strontium isotope data indicate Ca in the $CO_2$-rich waters were derived mainly from plagioclase in granite, not from hydrothermal calcites.



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