- 삼척탄전과 충남탄전 석탄의 암석학적, 지화학적 연구 박석환
- 지질학회지 v.30 통리분지에서의 백악기 화산활동 원종관;이문원;노진환;이해경
- Basin analysis: Principles and applications Allen, P.A.;Allen, J.R.
- Canadian Mineralogy v.29 Thermobarometry using multi-equilibrium calculations: A new technique with petrologic applications Berman, R.G.
- Journal of Metaphic Geology v.6 Definition of low-grade meta-morphic zones using illite crystallinity Blenkinsop, T.G.
- Clay Mineralogy v.32 A recrtorote-pyrophyllite-chloriteilite assemblage in pelitic rocks from Colombia Brattli, B.
- Journalg. the Geological Society of Korea v.5 Stratigraphy and paleontology of Samcheong coalfield, Korea (1) Cheong, C.H.
- Ore mineralogy and petrology of zinc-lead-silver ores from the Yeonhwa I Mine, Republic of Korea Chung, J.L.
- Tectonophysics v.183 Ceodynamics of the Ogcheon Belt (South Korea) Cluzel, D.;Cudet, J.P.;Lapierre, H.
- Journal of Sedimentary Petrology v.35 Wacke, graywacke and matrix: What approsch to immature sandstone classification Dott, R.H., Jr
- Low temperature metamorphism The application of illite to crystallinity, orgenic matter reflectance, and isotopic techniques Duba, D.;Williams-Jones, A.E.;Frey, M.(ed.)
- Sedimentology v.15 The step from diagnesis to metamorphism in pelitic rocks during Alpine orogenesis Frey, M.
- Low temperature metamorphism Very low grade metamorphism of clatic sedimentary rocks Frey, M.;Frey, M.(ed.)
- Geology v.14 Reequilibration of fluid inclusions in los temperature calciumcarbonate cement Goldstein, R.H.
- American Association of Petroleum Geologist Memoir 37 Diagenetic mineralogy and controls on albitization and laumontite formation in Paleogene Arkoses, Santa Ynez Mountains, California. Clastic Diagenesis. Helmold, K.P.;van de Kamp, P.C.;McDonald, D.A.;Surdam, R.C.(eds.)
- Journal of the Geological Society of Korea v.16 Sulfur isotope composition and isotopic temperatures of some base metal ore deposits, South korea Kim, K.H.;Nakai, N.
- K. Ned. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam., Proc. Ser. B 77 (2) Antracite and meta-anthracite coal ranks associated with anchimetamorphism and very low stage metamorphism,ⅠⅡⅢ Kisch, H.J.
- Low temperature metamorphism Correlation between indicators of very low-grade metamorphsm Kisch, H.J.;Frey, M.(ed.)
- Journal Metamorphic Geology v.8 Calibration of the anchizone: A critical composition of illite crystllinity scales used for definition Kisch, H.J.
- Application of arsenopyrite geo-thermometry and sphalerite geobarometry to the Taebaek Pb-Zn (-Ag) deposit at the Yeonhwa I mine , Republic of Korea: Mineralium Deposita v.27 Koh, Y.K.;Choi, S.G.;So, C.S.;Choi, S.H.;Uchida, E.
- Journal of Sedimentary Reserch v.66 Illitization of diagnetic kaolinite to dickite conversion series; Late-stage diagnesis of the Lower Permian Rotliegend sandstone reservoir, offshore of the Nethlands Lanson, B.;Beaufort, D.;Berger, G.;Baradat, J.;Lacharpagne, J.C.
- Hydrocarbon generation in Gulf Coast Tertiary sediments: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin v.58 Laplante, R.E.
- Clays and Clay Minerals v.45 Illite crystallinity and fluid inclusion analysis across a Paleozoic disconformity in Central Korea Lee, Y.I.;Ko, H.K.
- Sedimentology. Leeder, M.R.
- Journal of geological Society of Korea v.27 Review of skarn ore deposits at the southern limb of the Baegunsan syncline in the Taebaeg basin of South Korea Moon, K.J.
- Applications to faults, joints, veins, dikes, and solution surfaces, in fracture mechanic of rocks Theoretical dis-placements and stresses near fractures in rocks Pollard, D.D.;Segall, P.;Atkison, B.K.(ed.)
- Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists special publication 38 Applications of Claymineral, virtinite reflectance, and fluid inclusion studies to the thermal and burial history of the Pinedale Anticline, Green River basin, Wyoming. Roles of organic matter in sedimentary diagnesis Pollastro, R.M.;Barker, C.E.;Gautier, D.L.(ed.)
- Mineralogical Society of American Washington, D.C. Matamorphic phase equilibria and pressure temperature-time paths Spear, F.G.
- Geological Society Special Publication Classics Recent advances in coalification studies and their application to geology. Coal and coal-bearing strata: Recent advances. Teichmuller, M.;Scott, A.C.
- The Ouachita Belt v.6120 Clay minerals of the Ouachita structural belt and the adjacent foreland Weaver, C.E.;Falun, P.T.(ed.);Goldstein, A.Jr.(ed.);Kong, P.B.(ed.);Weaver, C.E.(ed.)
- Journal of the Geological Society of Korea v.15 K-Ar geochemistry of igneous rocke in the Yeonhwa-Ulchin zinc-lead district and southern margin of Taebaegsan basin Yun, S.;Silberman, M.L.
- Proceeding of Annual Symposium A stable isotope study of the Taebaek Pb-Zn-Ag orebodies at the Yeon-hwa Ⅰmine Yun, S.T.;So, C.S.