Pattern Matching and Its Restrictions in Functional Languages

함수형 언어의 패턴 매칭 기능과 제약에 관한 연구

  • 권기항 (동아대학교 컴퓨터공학과) ;
  • 주예찬 (블루엣 근무) ;
  • 신현삼 (동아대학교 대학원 컴퓨터공학과)
  • Published : 1999.05.01


Modern functional languages provide some forms of pattern matching capability in them. However, these forms are on an ad-hoc basis and vary from languages to languages, making the user hard to understand the feature. To overcome this problem, we present a systematic approach to adding pattern matching to functional language. We extend to the core functional language with pattern matching capability and illustrate several examples of the language. We also discuss how to extend the pattern matching capability to higher-order terms.
