Evolution Program for Optimal Capacity Expansion with Backlogs in Demand

수요를 고려한 잔고의 최적 Capacity 확장을 위한 진화 프로그램

  • 조정복 (동서대학교 정보시스템공학부) ;
  • 양황규 (동서대학교 정보시스템공학부) ;
  • 이재욱 (동서대학교 정보시스템공학부) ;
  • 함창현 (경남정보대학 컴퓨터정보학부) ;
  • Published : 1999.03.01


This paper presents an evolution program for optimal expansion problem with backlogs in demand which is to determine when and how much capacity should be added under varying types of demand and cost. To overcome premature convergence and stalling, we employ an exponential-fitness scaling scheme. To improve the chromosomes, we introduce hetero-dimensional mutation which generates a new dimension and produces a feasible solution, and homo-dimensional mutation which mutates the chromosomes in the negative of gradient direction. Finally, a numerical example is discussed.
