Short Bus contention 방식의 Priority Output Queuing Model의 분석

The Analysis of Priority Output Queuing Model by Short Bus Contention Method

  • 발행 : 1999.02.01


I broadband ISDN every packet will show different result if it would be processed according to its usage by the server. That is, normal data won't show big differences if they would be processed at normal speed. But it will improve the quality of service to process some kinds of data - for example real time video or voice type data or some data for a bid to by something through the internet - more fast than the normal type data. solution for this problem was suggested - priority packets. But the analyses of them are under way. Son in this paper a switching system for an output queuing model in a single server was assumed and some packets were given priorities and analysed. And correlation, simulating real life situation, was given too. These packets were analysed through three cases, first packets having no correlation, second packets having only correlation and finally packets having priority three cases, first packets having no correlation, second packets having only correlation and finally packets having priority and correlation. The result showed that correlation doesn't affect the mean delay time and the high priority packets have improved mean delay time regardless of the arrival rate. Those packets were assumed to be fixed-sized like ATM fixed-sized cell and the contention strategy was assumed to be short bus contention method for the output queue, and the mean delay length and the maximum 버퍼 length not to lose any packets were analysed.
