- Nonnegative Matrices in the Mathematical Sciences A. Berman;R. J. Plemmons
- Lecture Notes in Mathematics no.676 On two boundary value problems in nonlinear elasticity from a numerical viewpoint E. Bohl;R. Ansorge(eds.);W. Toring(eds.)
- Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal v.31 Nonlinear boundary value problems for the circular mambrane A. J. Calligari;E. L. Reiss
- Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal v.26 The plane circular elastic surface under normal pressure R. W. Dickey
- Numerical Analysis for Applied Mathematics, Scinece, and Engineering D. Greenspan;V. Casulli
- Numer. Math v.21 A numerical method for solving singular boundary value problems B. Gustafsson
- Bull. Korean Math. Soc. A finite difference approximation of a singular boundary value problem H. Y. Lee;M. R. Ohm;J. Y. Shin
- Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics v.70 Finite difference methods for certain singular two-point boundary value problems R. N. Sen;Md. B. Hossain
- J. Korean Math. Soc. v.32 no.4 A singular nonlinear boundary value problem in the nonlinear circular membrane under normal pressure J. Y. Shin