- Lectures Notes in Mathematics v.628 Obstruction theory Baues, H. J.
- Pacific Journal of Mathematics v.40 no.1 On removing coincidences of two maps when only one, rather than both of them, may be deformed by a homotopy Brook, R. B. S.
- Die Grundlegren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften v.200 Lectures on algebraic topology Dold, A
- Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society v.16 no.3 The degree of a map Epstein, D. B. A.
- Trans. Am. Math. Soc v.114 Generalized normal bundles for locally-flat imbeddings Fadell, E.
- Topological methods in non linear functional analysis v.21 The Nielsen number on surfaces, Contemporary Mathematics Fadell, E.;Husseini, S.
- Topology v.20 Fixed point theory for non simply connected manifolds Fadell, E.;Husseini, S.
Pacific Journal of Mathematics
Fixed points of
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- J. Austral. Math. Soc. (Series A) v.58 The least number of coincidence points on surfaces Jezierski, J.
- Lectures Notes in Math v.886 The fixed point classes from the differential view point, Jiang, B.
- Math. Ann v.272 Fixed points and braids Ⅱ Jiang, B.
- Lecture Notes in Math v.1369 Surface maps and braid equations, I Jiang, B.
- The theory of fixed point classes Kiang, T. H.
- Math. Ann v.100 Glattung von Flachenabbildungen Kneser, H.
- Math. Ann v.103 Die Kleinste Bedeckungszahlinnerhalb einer Klasse von Flachenabbildungen Kneser, H.
- Ph. D. Thesis Teoria de Nielsen para coincidencia e algumas aplicacoes Oliveira, E.
- Comm. Math. Helv v.28 Quelques proprietes globales des varietes differentiables Thom, R.
- Homology theory Vick, J.
- Lectures Notes in Mathematics v.835 Surfaces and planes discontinuous groups Zieschang, H.;Vogt, E.;Coldewey, H. D.