Performance Benefits of Virtual Path Tunneling for Control and Management Flows in the Broadband ATM Network

  • 투고 : 1999.08.09
  • 발행 : 1999.12.31


In this paper, we analyze the performance benefits of broadband ATM networks when the call control and management flows are separated from user data flows. The virtual path tunneling concept for control and management flows are applied to the same physical ATM networks. The behaviors of channel throughput and transfer delay are analyzed. It results that the proposed virtual short-cut paths can maintain the network being stable with acceptable bandwidth. They are very useful to provide the stable control and management capabilities for Internet and mobile applications in the broadband ATM networks. In our numerical results, the effective throughputs of the proposed virtual shout-ut channel are about three times than those of end-to-end user data channels with hop distances of 10, and about two times than those with hop distance of 5 when the link blocking probability increases to 0.1. It concludes that the effective channel bandwidth are greatly reduced down while physical links are not stable and user traffic flows are occasionally overflowed.



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