• 발행 : 1999.07.01




  1. The Annals of Statistics v.24 no.1 On the convergence of the Markov chain simulation method Athreya, K. B.;Doss, H.;Sethuraman, J.
  2. J. American Statistical Association v.88 Asymptotic Behavior of the Gibbs sampler Chan, K. S.
  3. J. American Statistical Association v.85 Sampling-based approaches to calculating marginal densities Gelfand, A. E.;Smith, A. F. M.
  4. Statistical Science v.7 no.4 practical Markov chain Monte Carlo Geyer, C. J.
  5. The Annals of Probability v.24 no.2 A Lyapunov bound for solutions of the poisson equation Glynn, P. W.;Meyn, S. P.
  6. Soviet Math. Dokl v.19 The central limit theorem for stationary Markov processes Gordin, M. I.;Lifsic, B. A.
  7. J. Computational and Graphical Statistics v.7 no.1 Functional compatibility, Markov chains, and Gibbs sampling with improper Posteriors Hobert, J. P.;Casella, G.
  8. J. Multivariate Analysis v.67 Geometric ergodicity of Gibbs and block Gibbs sampler for hierarchical random effects model Hobert, J. P.;Geyer, C. J.
  9. J. Multivariate Analysis v.66 On the geometrical convergence of Gibbs sampler in $R^d$ Hwang, C.;Sheu, S.
  10. The Annals of Statistics v.24 no.1 Rates of convergence of the Hastings and Metropolis algorithms Mengersen, K. L.;Tweedie, R. L.
  11. Markov chains and stochastic stability Meyn, S. P.;Tweedie, R.L.
  12. Canadian Journal of Statistics v.26 no.1 Markov chain Monte Carlo: Some practical implications of theoretical results Roberts, G. O.;Rosental, J. S.
  13. Biometrica v.83 no.1 Geometric convergence and central limit theroems for multidimensional Hastings and Metropolis algorithms Roberts, G. O.;Tweedie, R. L.
  14. The Annals of Statistics v.22 markov chains for exploring posterior distributions Tierney, L.