The need for and components of a contemporary community pharmacy externship for pharmacy students have not been clearly identified in Korea. Mail survey was performed among 20 college of pharmacy deans and 800 community pharmacists to analyze the current status and develop a consensus regarding major focus area and criteria of community pharmacy externship to be implemented under the separation of dispensary from medical practice in year 2000. Mail survey yielded $80\%\;and\;23.5\%$ response rate for pharmacy school deans and community pharmacists, respectively. Of the 16 pharmacy schools that responded 14 said they have externship program in hospital pharmacy, and only 8 pharmacy schools responded of having externship program for community pharmacy. However, these community pharmacy programs lacked criteria and standard guideline for the externship. The results of survey revealed that community pharmacy externship program for students should be organized and directed toward developing expert knowledge and skills in pharmacy practice activities, clinical services, communications, pharmacy management, and professionalism. Pharmacy practice components should include competencies and skills in computer application, prescription processing, dispensing, pharmaceutical compounding, Narcotics Control Law application, maintenance and provision of drug information, and laws and regulations. Clinical service components should include the ability to identify patient's drug-related problems, provide long-term patient care and appreciate drug therapy services. Communication skills should be taught to effectively express his/her professional opinion, deduce the needs of others, utilize appropriate techniques and media to communicate ideas and conduct a patient interview and to obtain patient drug history. Pharmacy management skills should be taught to be efficient in medical insurance and drug control process. It was found that professionalism, morality, pharmacy practice experience, ability to provide clinical services, collect and provide drug information and regality are important criteria of preceptors. Externship sites should possess the ability to stock various drugs, access and provide diverse pharmacy services and should have private patient counseling area. Most pharmacists agreed that top 200 drugs' generic and brand name, indications, dosage, side effects, and contraindication should be instructed during the externship. It was also found that student and preceptor should be evaluated for their performances during the externship. This information will be incorporated into teaming objectives for students and to develop Academic Extemship Program Guidelines.