복합향(정향(丁香), 신이(辛夷))이 항경련효과 기전에 관한 실험실적 연구

  • 구병수 (동국대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과 교실)
  • Published : 1999.08.30




  1. 壽世保元 공廷賢
  2. 備急千金要方 孫思邈
  3. 黃帝內徑靈樞譯解 楊維傑
  4. 中醫學問答(上冊) 楊醫亞
  5. 華타神醫秘傅 華타
  6. 中藥大辭典 江蘇新醫學院(編)
  7. 八十一難經解釋 成藥箕(編著)
  8. 黃帝內徑素問譯解 楊維傑
  9. 外臺秘要 王熹
  10. 本草綱目 李時珍
  11. 新編仲景全書 張仲景
  12. 癲癎治療經驗方 張湯敏
  13. 聖濟總錄 趙佶
  14. 常見疾病神經系統中醫診治 周紹華;周佩雲
  15. 傷寒論譯詮 蔡仁植
  16. 龍腦香이 mouse에서의 抗痙攣 效果 崔殷圭
  17. 간질은 불치병이 아니다 황경태
  18. J. Chromatography. v.336 Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatographic method for determination of brain glutamate decarboxylase suitable for use in kinetic studies Allen, I. C.;Griffthis, R.
  19. Epilepsia v.20 Remission of seizures and relapse in patients with epilepsy Annegers, J. F.;Hauser, W. A.;Elveback, L. R.
  20. Jap. J. Pharmacol. v.22 Changes in sensitivity to convulsion in mice with olfactory bulb ablation Araki, S.;Ueki, S.
  21. Method of enzymatic anallysis(3 eds.) v.2 Bergmeyer, H. U.
  22. J. Neurochem. v.7 Amino acid and protein metabolism. VI. Cerebral compartments of glutamic acid metabolism Berl, S.;Lajtha, A.;Waelsch, H.
  23. Clin. Neurophysiol. v.14 Intravenous, cortical and intraventricular dose-effect relationship of pentylenetetrazole, picrotoxin and deslanoside in dogs. Electroencephalogr Bitcher, R. P.;Kanai, T.;Wang, S. C.
  24. Trimethadione toxicity. Antiepileptic drugs Booker, H. E.;Woodbury, D.M.;Penry, J. U.;Pippenger, C. E.(eds.)
  25. Epilepsia v.29 Adjunctive therapy in resistant epilepsy Callaghan, N.;Goggin, T
  26. Neurochem. Res. v.7 Acute effect of sodium valproate and v-viny1 GABA on regional amino acid metabolism in the rat brain Chapman, A. G.;Riley, K. Evans, M. G.;Meldrum, B. S.
  27. Epilepsia v.25 Open trials with vaproate in epilepsy Dulac, O.;Arthuis, M.
  28. J. Child Neuro. v.6 Vigavatrin in childhood epilepsy Dulac, O.;Chiron, C.;Luna, D.
  29. NEJM v.311 The prognosis for seizure control in newly diagnosed epilepsy Elwes, R.D.C.;Johnson, A.L.;Shorvon, S.D.;Reynolds, E.H.
  30. Arch. Neurol. Psychiatr. v.39 Cerebral dysrhythmias of epilepsy Gibbs, E.L.;Gibbs,F.A.;Lennox, W.G.
  31. J. Med. Chem. v.34 Preparation and anticulvulsant activity of a series of functionalized $\alpha$-heteroatom-substituted amino acids Harold, K.;Kailash, N.S.;Phillippe, L.;David, W.R.;J. David, L.
  32. Arch. Exp. pathol. Pharmakol. v.116 Pentametylenetetrazole(Cordiazol) Hildebrandt, F.
  33. J. Chromatography v.1 Chromatographic analysis of glutamic acid decarboxylase in biological samples Holdiness, M.R.
  34. Epilepsia v.33 Relative anticonvulsant effect of GABmimetic and GABA modulatory agents Holland, K.D.;McKeon, A.C.;Canney, D.J.;Covey, D.F.;Ferrendelli, J.A.
  35. On the anatomical, physiological and pathological investgation of epilepsies. v.1 Selected writings of John Hughilings Jackson Jackson, J.H.
  36. Epilepsia v.21 Hepatotoxicity of sodium valproate and other anticonvulsant in rat hepatocyte cultures Kinsley, E.;Tweedale, R.;Tolman, K.G.
  37. Neurol. v.15 Neurological sequelae following dilantin overdose in a patient and in experimental animals Kokenge, R.;Kutt, H.;McDowell, F.
  38. Epilepsy Res. v.14 Efficancy and safety of zonisemide: results of a mulicenter study Leppik, I.E.;Willmore, L.J.;Homan, R.W.
  39. J. Biol. Chem. v.193 Protein measurment with the folin phenol reagent Lowry, O. H.;Rodebrough, N. J.;Farr, A. L.;Randall, R. J.
  40. Biochem. Pharmacol. v.28 Inhibitors of GABA metabolism Metcalf, B. W.
  41. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. v.186 A comparison of the anticonvulsant, neurotoxic and lethal effects of diphenylbarbituric acid, phenobarbital, diphenylhydantoin in the mouse Raines, A.;Niner, J.M.;Pace, D.G.
  42. Ann. Neurol. v.32 Felbamate monotherapy: controlled trial in patients with partial onset seizure. Sachdeo, R.;Kramer, L.D.;Rosenberg, A.;Sachdeo, S.
  43. J. Pharmaceut. Sci. v.83 Substituted 2-bezothiazolamines as sodium flux inhibitors: quantitative structure-activity relationships and anticonvulsion activity. Sheryl, J.H.;Michael, J.R.;Daniel, F.O.;Graham, J.;Roy, D.S.;Denise, K.B.;Laura, F.C.;Mark, G.V.;Peter, A.B.
  44. B.M.J. v.302 Medical assessment and treatment of chronic epilepsy. Shorvon, S.D.
  45. Arch. Int. Phamacodyn. v.188 Anticonvulsant properties on diphenylthiohydantoin. Sohn, Y. J.;Levitt, B.;Raines, A
  46. Psychopharmaclogia(Berl.) v.14 An investigation of a new instrument to measure motor activity of small animals. Svensson, T.H.;Thieme, G.
  47. Epiiepsia v.10 Laboratory evaluation of antiepileptic durgs. Swinyard, E.A.
  48. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. v.92 Design and use of a new electroshock seizure apparatus, and analysis of factors altering seizure threshold and pattem. Woodbury, L.A.;Davenport, V.D.