뇌신경교(腦神經膠) 성장세포(星狀細胞)로부터 종양괴사인자 알파의 생성(生成)에 있어서 총명탕(聰明湯)의 효과(效果)

Effect of Chong-Myung-Tang on the Production of Tumor Necrosis Factor a from Brain Astrocytes

  • 이종길 (원광대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과 교실) ;
  • 강형원 (원광대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과 교실) ;
  • 류영수 (원광대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과 교실)
  • Lee Jong-Gil (Dept. of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, College of Oriental Medicine, Won Kwang University) ;
  • Gang Hyeong-Won (Dept. of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, College of Oriental Medicine, Won Kwang University) ;
  • Lyu Yeong-Su (Dept. of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, College of Oriental Medicine, Won Kwang University)
  • 발행 : 1999.08.30


We investigated whether an aqueous extract of Chong-Myung-Tang inhibits secretion of tumor necrosis $factor-{\alpha}$ $(TNF-{\alpha})$ from primary cultures of mouse astrocytes. Chong-Myung-Tang dosedependently inhibited the $TNF-{\alpha}$ secretion by astrocytes stimulated with substance P (SP) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Interleukin-1 (IL-1) has been shown to elevate $TNF-{\alpha}$ secretion from LPS-stimulated astrocytes while having no effect on astrocytes in the absence of LPS. We therefore investigated whether IL-1 mediated inhibition of $TNF-{\alpha}$ secretion from astrocytes by Chong-Myung-Tang. Treatment of Chong-Myung-Tang to astrocytes stimulated with both LPS and SP decreased IL-1 secretion. Moreover, incubation of astrocytes with IL-1 antibody abolished the synergistic cooperative effect of LPS and SP. These results suggest that Chong-Myung-Tang may inhibits $TNF-{\alpha}$ secretion by inhibiting IL-1 secretion and that Chong-Myung-Tang has a antiinflammatory activity in the central nervous system.



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