- 精校黃帝內經靈樞 洪元植(編)
- 대한신경과학회지 v.3 no.1 神經科 영역에서의 痴매 박영춘
- 대한정신약물학회지 v.3 no.1 痴매의 원인과 治療 박종한
- 대한신경과학회지 v.3 no.1 정신과 영역에서의 痴매 이근후
- 啓明醫大論文集 v.16 no.3 Alzheimer병의 증상 한일우;곽동일
- 萬病回春 공延賢
- 中國醫學大系 中 11卷 濟生方 嚴用和
- 醫學入門(全五卷中二) 李천
- 太平惠民和劑局方 陳師文(等編)
- 陜西中醫 v.16 no.9 百家論醫, 老年性痴매從肝論治 李曉玲
- 上海中醫藥雜誌 v.3 매從痰治 張覺人
- 신경국소진단학 김진수(譯);피터 두스(著)
- 정신생물학 박만상
- 증상감별치료 이봉교
- 뇌와 지능 이철우;이진호
- 심리학 장현갑(외 7인)
- 原本東醫寶鑑 許浚
- 동의신경정신과학회지 v.9 no.1 Dementia of Alzheimer Type에 關한 韓醫學的 臨床硏究 김보균;현경철;김종우;황의완
- 대한정신약물학회지 v.2 no.1 Alzheimer씨 치매-개론 및 최신 경향- 김진수
- 신경정신의학 v.34 no.3 老人의 기능 상태 평가 박종한
- 계명의대논문집 v.16 no.3 Alzheimer병 신경병리학적 소견과 분자생물학적 연구동향 손윤경
- 대한의학협회지 v.37 no.7 노인성 치매-정의,분류 및 임상양상 우종인
- 신경정신의학 v.35 no.6 알츠하이머병의 말초생물학적 지표로서 혈청 Alpha-1-antichymotrypsin 우종인(외 2인)
- 신경정신의학 v.36 no.1 한국의 한 농촌 지역에 거주하는 老人에서의 痴매의 유병률 우종인(외 6인)
- 대한정신약물학회지 v.7 no.2 老人정신병의 藥物治療 윤도준
- 慶熙韓醫大論文集 v.21 no.1 調胃升淸湯이 Alzheimer’s disease 모델 백서의 학습과 기억에 미치는 영향 이웅석;황의완;김현택;박순권
- 대한정신약물학회지 v.8 no.1 에스트로젠과 알쯔하이머병 이종섭;김찬형
- 한국심리학회지 v.5 흰쥐의 내측중격핵 손상이 Morris 수중미로과제의 學習에 미치는 效果 정봉교(외 2인)
- 동의신경정신과학회지 v.9 no.1 형방지황탕이 Alzheimer’s disease 모델 백서의 학습과 기억에 미치는 영향 조윤숙;황의완;김현택;박순권
- 경희의학 v.12 no.2 치매에 대한 한의학적 임상연구 황의완;김종우;이조희;엄효진;이승기
- 中國養生學 劉占文
- 醫宗必讀 李中梓
- 景岳全書 張介賓
- 心-胸-神志病辨證論治 張明淮
- 辨證奇文全書 錢鏡湖
- 丹溪醫集 중 丹溪心法 朱震亨
- 石室秘錄(下) 陳士鐸
- Pathophysiology adaptation and alterations in function 4th edition Bullock, B.L.
- International review of Neurology v.33 Smythies, J.R.;Bradely, R.J.
- Clinical Neurology v.1 Swash, M.;Oxbury, J.
- Am J Psychiatry v.154 no.Sup.5 Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Demenitas of Late Life American Psychiatric Association
- Brain Res v.622 no.1;2 Galanin fails to alter both acquisition of a two trial per day water maze task and neurochemical markers of cholinergic or serotonergic neurons in adult rats Aspley, S.;Fone, K.C.
- Behavioral and Neural Biology v.28 Spatial memory in Rats; Time course of working memory and effect of anesthetics Beatty, W.W.;Schavalia, D.A.
- Behavioral and Neural Bilolgy v.46 Exponential decay of spatial memory of rats in a radial maze Bolhuis, J.J.;Bijlsma, S.;Ansmink, P.
Evaluation of dementia
$\cdot(/TEX>A systematic study of theusefulness of the American Academy of Neurology’s Practice Parameters Chui, H.;Zhang, Q. - Brain Res. v.679 no.1 Anabolic androgenic steroid and adrenal steroid effects on hippocampal plasticity Clark, A.S.;Mitre, M.C.;Brinck-Johnsen, T.
- Brain Res v.572 no.1;2 Effects of nicotine on spatial memory deficits in rats with septal lesions Decker, M.W.;Majchzak, M.J.;Anderson, D.J.
- Brain Res. v.554 no.1;2 Spatial performance correlates with in vitro potentiation in young and aged Fischer 344 rats Deupree, D.L.;Turmer, D.A.;Watters, C.L.
- J Pharmacol Exp Ther v.257 no.1 (+-)-cis-2-methy1-spiro(1, 3-oxathiolane-5, 3’) quinuclidine, an M1 selective cholinergic agonist, attenuates cognitive dysfunctions in an animal medel of Alzheimer’s disease Fisher, A.;Brandeis, R.;Karton, I.;Pittel, Z.;Gurwitz, D.;Haring, R.;Sapir, M.;Levy, A.;Heldman, E.
- pediatr Res. v.39 no.1 Use of the Morris water maze and acoustic startle chamber to evaluate neurologic injury after asphyxial arrest in rats Hickey, R.W.;Akino, M.;Strausbaugh, S.;De Courtmn-MyersGM
- Peptides v.10 no.1 TRH analog MK-771 reverses neurochemical and learning deficits in medial septal-lesined rats Horita, A.;Carino, M.A.;Zabawska, J.;Lai, H.
- N Eng J Med v.314 Alzheimer’s disease Katzman, R.
- FASEB J. v.5 advances in Alzheimer’s disease Katzman, R.;Saitoh, T.
- Behavioral and Neural Biology v.44 Hippocampal stimulation disrupts spatial working memory even 8th after acquisition Knowlton, B.;McGowan, M.;Olton, D.S.
- J Pharmacol Exp Ther v.271 no.2 Studies on the role of K+, Cl- and Na+ ion permeabilities in the acetylcholine release enhancing effects of linopirdine (DuP 996) in rat cortical slices Maciag, C.M.;Logue, A.R.;Tinker, W.J.;Saydoff, J.A.;Tam, S.W.;Zacz다, R.
- Psycho phamacology v.106 Oxiracetam antagonizes the disruptive effects of scopolamine on memory in the radial maze Magnani, M.;Pozzi, O.;Biagetti, R.;Banfi, S.;Dorigotti, L.
- Neuroscience v.50 no.1 Dopaminergic drug reverse the impairment of radialarm maze performance caused by lesions involving the cholinergic medial pathway McGurt, S.R.;Levin, E.D.;Butcher, L.L.
- Neurology v.34 Clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: report of the NINCDSADRDAWork Groupe under the auspices of Department of Health and Human Service Task Force on Alzheimer’s disease McKhann, G.;Drachman, D.;Folstein, M.;Katzman, R.;Price, D.;Stadlan, E.M.
- Neuroscience v.51 no.1 Evidence for a role of the neuropeptide galanin in spatial learning [Letter] Ogren, S.O.;Hokfelt, T.;Kask, K.;Langel, U.;Bartfai, T.
- American psychologist v.34 Mazes, maps and memory Olton, D.S.
- Animal Learning and Behavior v.7 Intramaze cues and “odortrials” fail to direct choice behavior on an elevated maze Olton, D.S.;Collison, C.
- The Journal of Family Practice v.37 no.6 Advances in Alzheimer’s disease Roth, M.E.
- Brain Res. v.494 no.2 The role of the hippocampal-nucleus accumbens pathway in radialarm maze performance Schacter, G.B.;Yang, C.R.;Innis, N.K.;Mogensin, G.J.
- J Pharmacol Exp Ther v.280 no.2 Pharmacological activity and safety profile of P10358, a novel, orally active acetycholine sterase inhibitor for Alzheimer’s disease Smith, C.P.;Bores, G.M.;Petko, W.;Li, M.;Selk, D.E.;Rush, D.K.;Camacho, F.;Winslow, J.T.;Fishkin, R.;cunningham, D.M.;Brooks, K.M.;Roehr, J.;Hartman, H.B.;Davis, L.;Vargas, H.M.
- Brain Res. v.582 no.2 Chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency induces dementia-like deficits in aged rats Torre, J.C.;Fortin, T.;Park, G.A.;Butler, K.S.;Kozlowski, P.;Pappas, B.A.;de-Socarraz, H.;Saunders, J.K.;Richard, M.T.
- Brain Res. v.589 no.2 Early post-natal administration of 5.7-dihy-droxytrypatamine destroys 5-HT neurons but does not affect spatial memory Volpe, B.T.;Hendrix, C.S.;Park, D.H.;Towle, A.C.;Davis, H.P.
- Brain Res v.726 no.1;2 Injection of IgG 192-saporin into the medial septum produces cholinergic hypofunction and does-dependent working memory deficits Walsh, T.J.;Herzog, C.D.;Gandhi, C.;Stackman, R.W.;Wiley, R.G.
- Brain Res v.702 no.1;2 Behavioral and neurobiological alterations induced by the immunotoxin 192-IgG-saporin:cholinergic and non-cholinergic effects following i.c.v. injection Walsh, T.J.;Kelly, R.M.;Dougherty, K.D.;Stackman, R.W.;Wiley, R.G.;Kutscher, C.L.
- Am J Public health v.77 The public health impact of Alzheimer’s disease Weiler, P.G.
- Branis res. v.654 Enhan cement of memory processing in an inhibitory avoidance and radial maze task by post-training infusion of bombesin into nucleus tractus solitarius Cedric, L. Williams;James, L. McGaugh
- J Pharmacol Exp Ther v.272 no.1 FR121196, a potential antidementia drug, ameliorates the impaired memory of rat in the Morris water maze Yamazaki, M.;Matsuoka, N.;Kuratani, K.;Ohkubo, Y.;Yamaguchi, I Ibaraki
- J Cereb Blood Flow Metab v.16 no.5 Spatial memory disturbance after focal cerebral ischemia in rat Yonemori, F.;Yamada, H.;Yamaguchi, T.;Uemura, A.;Tamura, A.