복수가 동반된 알코올성 간질환 환자 치험 3례

Alcoholic liver disease complicated with ascites in three patients using a herbal medicine(Cheung-Gan-Haeju tang) - 3 case report

  • 고흥 (세명대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실)
  • Ko, Heung (Department of Internal Medicine, Collage of Oriental Medicine, Semyung University)
  • 발행 : 1999.09.29


Cheung-Gan-Haeju tang has been used on 3 cases of alcoholic liver disease patients complicated with ascites, clinical symptom(fatigue. jaundice, urine dark, indigestion, anorexia. ascites etc), liver function (AST, ALT, ${\gamma}$-GT, ALP, total bilirubin), and index of nutritional state (total protein, albumin, cholesterol) were improved after the adminstration. Although the exact mechanism involved in the effects of Cheung-Gan-haeju tang on these disease is still unknown, it is possibly suspected that Cheung-Gan-Haeju tang is non-toxic to liver and has beneficial effects on treating alcoholic liver disease complicated ascites. Further reports with many case, however, will be needed.



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