- 근골격계 질환의 테이핑 요법 어강
- 재활의원 김진호;한태륜
- The shoulder in hemiplegia Cailliet, R.
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.5 no.1 肩臂痛의 鍼灸治療에 關한 臨床的 硏究 金庚植
- Arch Phys Med Rehabil v.58 Shoulder-hand syndrome in hemiplegic population : 5 year retrospective study Davis, S.W.;Petrillo, C.R.;Eichberg, R.D.;Chu, D.S.
- 東醫物理療法科學會誌 v.2 no.1 痺症의 分類와 治法에 關한 考察 鄭錫熙;金性洙;申鉉大
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.2 no.2 肩臂痛의 鍼灸治療 效果에 對한 臨床的 硏究 朴東錫;安秉哲;金在圭;金昌煥
- Phys Ther v.66 no.12 Hemiplegic shoulder pain Griffin, J.W.
- Am J Phys Med Rehabil v.76 no.1 The painful hemiplegic shoulder Dekker, J.H.M.;Wagenaar, R.C.;Lankhorst, G.J. De Jong, B.A.
- Arch Phys Med Rehabil v.73 no.11 Subscapular nerve block in the painful hemiplegic shoulder Hecht, J.S.
- 韓方再活醫學科學會誌 v.6 no.1 中風으로 因한 肩臂痛의 超音波를 利用한 溫經絡療法 治療效果 제정진;신현대
- Scand J Rehabil Med v.22 no.2 Comparison of TENS treatments in hemiplegic shoulder pain Leandri, M.;Parodi, C.I.;Corrieri, N.;Rigardo, S.
- 신경외과학 대한신경외과협회
- 鍼灸治療 金容基
- 통증의학 대한통증학회
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- Phys Ther v.67 Interrater reliability of a modified Ashworth scale of muscle spasticity Bohannon, R.W.;Smith, M.B.
- 성인 편마비환자를 위한 평가와 치료 김용주(역);Berta Bobath(著)
- Arch Phys Med Rehabil v.71 no.9 Painful shoulder in the hemiplegic and unilateral neglect Poulin de Courval L.;Barsauskas, A.;Berenbaum, B.;Dehaut, F.;Dussault, R.;Frontaine FS(et al.)
- Arch Phys Med Rehabil v.58 no.9 Stroke and brachial plexus injury : a difficult problem Kaplan, P.E.;Meridith, J.;Taft, G.;Betts, H.B.
- Am J Phys Med Rehabil v.77 no.5 Kvaluation and treatment of shoulder subluxation in hemiplegia : relationship between subluxtion and pain Ikai, T.;Tei, K.;Yoshida, K.;Miyano, S.;Yonemoto, K.
- Am J Occup Ther v.39 Shoulder pain in hemiplegia Anderson, L.T.
- Am J Phys Med Rehabil v.75 The effect of functional electrical stimulation on shoulder subluxation, arm function recovery and shoulder pain in hemiplegic stroke patients Faghri, P.D.;Rodgers, M.M.;Glaser, R.M.;Bors, J.C.;Ho, C.;Akuthota, P.
- Stroke v.30 no.5 Prevention of shoulder subluxation after stroke with electrical stimulation Linn, S.L.;Grantat, M.H.;Lees, K.R.
- Phys Ther v.75 no.9 Scapular taping in the treatment of anterior shoulder impingement Host, H.H.
- J Orthop Sports Phys Ther v.25 no.6 A taping technique for the treatment of acromioclavicular joint sprains: a case study Shamus, J.L.;Shamus, E.C.
- J Spor Rehabil v.6 no.4 The effect of upper trapezius taping on electromyographic activity in the upper and middle trapezius region Morin, G.E.;Tiberio, D.;Austin, G.
- J Orthop Sports Phys Ther v.26 no.6 The effects of patellar taping on stride characteristics and joint motion in subjects with patellofemoral pain Powers, C.M.;Landel, R.;Sosnick, T.;Kirby, J.;Mengel, K.;Cheney, A(et al.)
- Am J Spor Med v.25 no.1 Effects of finger and wrist taping on grip strength Rettig, A.C.;Stube, K.S.;Shelbourine, K.D.
- Phys Ther v.78 no.1 The effect of patellar taping on the onset of vastus medialis obliquus and vastus lateralis muscle activity in persons with patellofemoral pain Gilleard, W.;McConnell, J.;Parsons, D.
- Baillieres Clin Rheumatol v.11 no.4 Non-pharmacological therapies In osteoarthritis Balint, G.;Szebenyi, B.
- Ther Umsch v.53 no.10 Femoropatellar pain syndrome: conservative therapeutic possibilities Klipstein, A.;Bodnar, A.
- BMJ v.308 no.6931 Taping the patella medially; A new treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee joint? Cushnaghan, J.;McCarthy, C.;Dieppe, P.
- Am J Sports Med v.24 no.1 Patellar taping In the treatment of patellofemoral pain: A prospective randomized study Kowall, M.G.;Kolk, G.;Nuber, G.W.;Cassisi, J.E.;Stern, S.H.
- Soft tissue pain and disability Cailliet, R.
- 1997년 사망원인 통계연보 윤대영
- Clin orthop v.63 Evaluation and treatment of the upper extremity in the hemiplegic stroke patient Caldweel, C.B.;Wilson, D.J.;Braum, R.M.
- Scand J Rehabil Med v.3 Ratator cuff injury in shoulder joint of hemiplegic patients Najenson, T.;Yacubovich, E.;Pikieliny, S.S.
- Arch Phys Med Rehabil v.6 Painful shoulder in hemiplegia Van Ouwenaller, C.;Laplace, P.M.;Chantraine, A.