- 96年度 死亡原因統計結果 統計廳
- The Korean Journal of Hepatology v.2 no.2 아포토시스와 간질환 김창민
- 이화여자대학교 대학원 細胞의 열에 대한 반응시 생기는 생화학적 변화와 apoptosis에 관한 연구 박전의
- 이화여자대학교 대학원 산화적 스트레스에 의한 Apoptosis의 유발과 항산화효소, 항산화제 및 항암제와의 관계. 李志英
- 仲景全書 張仲景
- 金궤要略 張仲景
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.14 no.1 慢性肝炎 3,136例에 대한 臨床分析과 生肝健脾湯의 治療效果 金秉雲
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 第13卷 1號 v.13 no.1 茵蔯五령散과 茵蔯增量한 構成方이 흰쥐 肝損傷에 미치는 影響 禹弘棹
第2回 韓
${\cdot}$ 中 學術大會 參加論文集 - 肝臟編 肝疾患治療劑의 效能에 관한 實驗的 硏究 李長勳 - 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.14 no.2 茵蔯五笭散이 及性 Alchol, 高脂肪食 및 Galactosamine中毒 白鼠의 損傷肝에 미치는 影響 朴亨圭
- 慶熙大學校大學院 茵陳淸肝湯加減方이 肝細胞活性, 細胞週期 및 apoptosis에 미치는 影響 洪尙勳
- 黃帝內經素門今釋 王琦;李炳文;邱德文;王廣其;彭榮琛
- The Kyung Hee Medicine. v.13 no.3 A Study on the therapeutic effect of oriental medicine in Hepatitis B. Woo, Hong-Jung;Lee, Jang-Hun;Kim, Young-Chul;Kim, Sang-Man;Kim, Sun-Min;Park, Yong-JIn;Kim, Sung-Soo;Kim, In-Sug;Ha, Joo-hun
- Molecular genetic characterization of the pathway of p53 Tumorsuppressor gene in human stomach cancer 맹영희
- 本草學 全國韓醫科大學 本草學敎授
- 本草綱目 李時珍
- Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing Xu shu nan;Niu bing zhan bian zhu
- 白朮類의 效能 比較 硏究 임강현
- 복합화학요법의제 2상 연구 VACOP-B(Etoposide/Doxorubicin/Cyclophosphamide/Vincristine/Prednisolone/Bleomycin) 곽영임
- Cisplatin and Etoposide(VPP) Combination Chemo-therapy in Small Kwon, soon-in.
- 大韓內科學會誌 v.49 no.1 人體 大腸 上皮細胞 및 大腸粘膜에 發顯된 여러 Cytokine 遺傳子의 定量分析을 通한 人體宿主 防禦機轉에 關한 硏究-合成 RNA를 利用한 定量的 逆轉寫 PCR法의 應用
- 경희대학교 대학원 후두유두종에서 PCNA표현양상에 따른 예후추정 및 임상적의의에 관한 연구 이동엽
- 위장관 평활근 종양의 예후 지표로서 PCNA 면역조직화학염색의 유용성 최정환
- 大韓內科學會誌 v.49 no.2 Hep G2 肝癌細胞柱에서 Retinoic Acid가 p53 蛋白, Ki-67 및 PCNA/Cyclin發顯에 미치는 效果 김대곤;임수일;안득수
- 大韓內科學會誌 v.49 no.3 重合酵素 連소反應法을 利用한 Helicobacter pylori의 檢出 이준성;송동화;박찬욱;이문성;조성원;심찬섭;진소영
- Gastroenterology v.112 Tumor necrosis factor-induced apoptosis during the poisoning of mice with hepatotoxins Leist, M.;Gartner, F.;Naumann, H.;Bluthmann, H.;Voget, K.;Brigelrus-Flohe, R.;Nicotera, P.;Volk, H.D.;Wendel, A.
- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. v.91 no.21 Consititutive expression of B-myb can bypass p53-induced Waf1/Cip1-mediated G1 arrest Lin, D.;Fiscella, M.;O'Connor, P.O.;Jackman, J.J.;Chen, C.;Luo, Ling L.;Sala, A.;Travali, S.;Appella, E.;Mercer, E.
- Cell. v.88 Programmed cell death in animal development Jacobson, M.D.;Weil, M.;Raff, M.C.
- Br. J. Cancer. v.67 Apoptosis Wyllie, A.H.
- Journal of immunologic methods v.65 no.1-2 Rapid colorimetric assay for cellular growth and survival: application to proliferation and cytotoxicity assays Mosmann, T.
- Cancer chemother Pharmacology v.17 no.3 Rapid chemosensitivity testing of human lung tumor cells using the MTT assay Cole, S.P.
- PCR Methods and Applications v.2 Quantitative or semi-quantitative PCR : reality versus myth Ferre, F.
- Nature. v.278 T antigen is bound to a host protein in SV40-transformed cells Lane, D.P.;Crawford, L.V.
- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. v.88 no.22 Wild-type p53 can down-modulate the activity of various promoters Ginsberg, D.;Mechta, F.;Yaniv, M.;Oren, M.
- The FASEB J. v.11 no.7 p53 deficiency in liver reduce local of survival and proliferation, but does not affect apoptosis after DNA damage Bellamy, C.O.C.;Clarke, A.R.;Wyllie, A.H.;Harrison, D.J.
- Cancer Res. v.55 Mutant p53 but not Hepatitis B Virus X Protein Is present in Hepatitis B Virus related Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Henkler, F.;Waseem, N.;Golding, M.H.C.;Alison, M.R.;Koshy, R.
- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. v.92 no.12 Transforming growth factor induces the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 through a p53-independent mechanism Datto, M.B.;Yan, Li.;Panus, J.F.;Howe, D.J.;Xiong, Y.;Wang, Xiao-Fan
- Nature v.369 The p21 inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase normal controls DNA replication by interaction with PCNA Waga, S.;Hannon, G.J.;Beach, D.;Stillman, B.
- J. Hepatology v.25 no.3 Regulation of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitorp21WAF1/Cip1/Sdi1Gene Expression in Hepatic Regeneration Albrech, J.H.;Mayer, A.H.;Humy, M.Y.
- Cancer v.71 no.15 The prognostic significance of the proliferating nuclear antigen, epidermal growth factor receptor and mdr gene expression in colorectal cancer Mayer, A.;Takimato, M.;Fritz, E.;Schellander, G.;Kofler, K.;Ludwig, M.
- Leuk Res. v.8 no.2 Review cyclin: a nuclear protein whose level correlates directly with the proliferative state of normal as well as transformed cells Celis, J.E.;Bravo, R.;Larsent, P.M.
- Cell v.75 no.4 WAF1, a potential mediator of p53 tumor suppression El-Deiry, W.S.;Tokino-T.;Velcululesou-V.E.;Levy-V.E.;Parsons-R.;Trent-J.M.;Lin-D.;Mercer-W.E.;Kinzler-K.W.;Vogelstein-B.
- The Kyung Hee University Oriental Medical J. v.17 no.2 Effect of Samchil-Saenggan Tang on liver injury. Woo, Hong-Jung;Lee, Jang-Hoon