Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology (한국식품과학회지)
- Volume 31 Issue 5
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- Pages.1144-1152
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- 1999
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- 0367-6293(pISSN)
Studies on the Naturally Occurring Benzoic Acids in Foods. Part(I) - Naturally Occurring Benzoic Acid and Sorbic Acid in Serveral Plants Used as Teas or Spices-
식품중 천연유래 안식향산에 관한 연구(I) -다류와 향신료로 사용되는 식물류중 친연유래 안식향산과 소르빈산의 함량 측정-
- Kim, Myung-Chul (Division of Food Standard, Department of Food Evaluation, Korea Food & Drug Administration) ;
- Park, Hye-Kyung (Division of Food Standard, Department of Food Evaluation, Korea Food & Drug Administration) ;
Hong, Jin-Hwan
(Division of Food Standard, Department of Food Evaluation, Korea Food & Drug Administration) ;
- Lee, Do-Youn (Division of Food Standard, Department of Food Evaluation, Korea Food & Drug Administration) ;
- Park, Jong-Seok (Division of Food Standard, Department of Food Evaluation, Korea Food & Drug Administration) ;
- Park, Eun-Ji (Division of Food Standard, Department of Food Evaluation, Korea Food & Drug Administration) ;
- Kim, Jong-Wook (Division of Food Standard, Department of Food Evaluation, Korea Food & Drug Administration) ;
- Song, Kyung-Hee (Division of Food Standard, Department of Food Evaluation, Korea Food & Drug Administration) ;
- Shin, Dong-Woo (Division of Food Standard, Department of Food Evaluation, Korea Food & Drug Administration) ;
- Mok, Jin-Min (Division of Food Standard, Department of Food Evaluation, Korea Food & Drug Administration) ;
- Lee, Ju-Young (Division of Food Standard, Department of Food Evaluation, Korea Food & Drug Administration) ;
- Song, In-Sang (Division of Food Standard, Department of Food Evaluation, Korea Food & Drug Administration)
- 김명철 (식품의약품안전청 식품평가부 식품규격과) ;
- 박혜경 (식품의약품안전청 식품평가부 식품규격과) ;
(식품의약품안전청 식품평가부 식품규격과) ;
- 이도연 (식품의약품안전청 식품평가부 식품규격과) ;
- 박종석 (식품의약품안전청 식품평가부 식품규격과) ;
- 박은지 (식품의약품안전청 식품평가부 식품규격과) ;
- 김종욱 (식품의약품안전청 식품평가부 식품규격과) ;
- 송경희 (식품의약품안전청 식품평가부 식품규격과) ;
- 신동우 (식품의약품안전청 식품평가부 식품규격과) ;
- 목진민 (식품의약품안전청 식품평가부 식품규격과) ;
- 이주영 (식품의약품안전청 식품평가부 식품규격과) ;
- 송인상 (식품의약품안전청 식품평가부 식품규격과)
- Published : 1999.10.31
In order to investigate the content of preservative components occurred naturally in foods, the content of benzoic acid and sorbic acid in 48 kinds of plants which used as commercial teas or spices was determined according to the method of 'Korean Food Code' and analyzed with a gas chromatograph. The recoveries of the benzoic and sorbic acid were 82.5% and 94.5%, respectively. The naturally occurring benzoic acid was less than 50 ppm in most of the plants used as commercial teas. The content of benzoic arid in spices and the content of sorbic acid in teas or spices were less than 10 ppm. The average contents of benzoic acid and sorbic acid in edible part of each plant were as followed ; leaf 12.5 ppm and 8.1 ppm, root 16.8 ppm and 3.7 ppm, seed 9.8 ppm and 2.3 ppm, fruit 33.8 ppm and 1.2 ppm, fungus 18.3 ppm and 14.6 ppm, respectively. The contents of benzoic acid and sorbic acid in several plants used at teas or spices extended over a wide range.
본 연구에서는 다류와 향신료로 사용되는 48종의 식물류중 천연으로 존재하는 안식향산과 소르빈산의 함량 분포를 식품공전의 방법과 GC를 이용하여 분석하였다. 실험결과 소르빈산은 82.5%. 안식향산은 94.5%로서 비교적 높은 회수율을 얻었다. 다류로 사용되는 39종의 원료식물류중 안식향산 함량은 대부분이 50 ppm 미만의 낮은 농도로 분석되었다. 향신료 식물의 안식향산 함량과 다류와 향신료 식물에서 소르빈산의 함량은 모두 10 ppm 내외의 낮은 함량을 함유하고 있었다. 다류와 향신료 식물류의 사용부위별로 안식향산 및 소르빈산 함량의 분포도를 보면, 잎을 식용하는 식물은 안식향산이 12.5 ppm, 소르빈산은 8.1 ppm이었고, 뿌리를 이용하는 식물은 각각 16.8 ppm, 3.7 ppm이었으며, 종실류는 각각 9.8 ppm 및 2.3 ppm, 과실류 33.8 ppm, 1.2 ppm, 버섯류는 18.3 ppm 및 14.6 ppm이었다. 본 실험결과 48종의 다류 및 향신료 원료식물류중 천연유래 안식향산과 소르빈산의 함량은 그 분포도가 식물별로 광범위하였으므로 안식향산 및 소르빈산과 같은 천연유래 보존료 성분 함량에 대하여 일률적으로 함량 기준을 적용할 수 없음을 알 수 있었다.