Journal of Oriental Physiology (동의생리학회지)
- Volume 14 Issue 2 Serial No. 20
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- Pages.139-148
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- 1999
Study on Tiangui - according to successive physicians -
역대(歷代) 의가설(醫家說)을 중심으로 살펴본 천계(天癸)에 관한 문헌연구(文獻硏究)
- An, Jong-Eun (Dept. of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Taejon Univ.) ;
- Kang, Jung-Soo (Dept. of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Taejon Univ.)
- Published : 1999.09.01
In this paper, tiangui was considered in it's conception, generation and physiological function according to successive physicians. The following results were obtained : 1. Over the years, there have been many ideas about tiangui. These days, it is proper that tiangui be thought of as some substance which is in shenjing and which promotes generative function. According to current endocrinologic view, tiangui is equivalent to GnRH. 2. Before birth, a parent's energy is inherited to the embryo and after birth, that energy becomes tiangui which is sustained by taking food and nutrition. Tiangui is especially related to shenjing. 3. The most import physiological function of tiangui is the promotion of generative function. So it is related to menstruation and ejaculation. Secondly, tiangui is also concerned with human's growth and development.