지하매설 가스배관의 가스 누출시 지하 확산거동에 관한 연구

A Study on the Diffusion Behavior of Leak Gas from Underground Gas Pipeline

  • 최송천 (한국가스안전공사 연구개발실) ;
  • 조영도 (한국가스안전공사 연구개발실) ;
  • 김교선 (강원대학교 화학공학과)
  • Choi S.C. (R&D Center, Korea Gas Safety Corporation) ;
  • Jo Y.D. (R&D Center, Korea Gas Safety Corporation) ;
  • Kim K.S. (Department of Chemical Engineering, Kang Won University)
  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


지하에 매설된 도시가스 배관에서의 누출 가스에 대한 확산 거동을 관찰하기 위하여 지중 확산실험조를 제작하여 실험하였다. 실험조는 도시가스 공급위치와 농도의 측정위치를 변화시킬 수 있도록 acryl로 제작하였으며, MOS 센서를 이용하여 도시가스 농도를 측정하였다. 가스의 지하 확산을 측정하기 위한 토질로서 주문진 표준사와 화강풍화토를 이용하였으며, 가스누출 속도 변화에 따른 도시가스 농도 변화를 시간에 따라 측정하였다. 누출점으로부터 센서의 측정위치가 가까울수록 또는 누출 속도가 증가할수록 가스의 감지시간이 감소하였으며, 누출가스 농도의 빠른 증가로 인하여 정상상태시 높은 농도를 나타내었다. 또한, 주문진 표준사보다 다짐에 의해 밀도가 증가한 화강풍화토에서 초기에 농도가 낮게 측정되었으나, 시간이 지남에 따라 농도가 높게 나타났다.

An experimental chamber was fabricated to observe the gas diffusion behavior of leak gas from underground city-gas pipeline. It was made of acryl so that feeding of gas and the measuring points of the gas could be varied in each experiment. The MOS sensors were used to measure the concentrations of leak gas. The soil media such as the Jumunjin standard sand and the granite weathered soil were used to measure the gas diffusion and the change of leak gas concentrations was measured with time for various gas flow rate. As the distance between the leak point of gas and the measuring point of MOS sensor decreases, or the leak rate increases, the detection time of gas at a measuring points decreases and the gas concentration increases quickly and the concentration of the gas at steady state also increases. As the density of granite weathered soil is higher than that of Jumunjin standard sand for compaction, the detection time of leak gas in the granite weathered soil was longer than that in the Jumunjin standard soil. The leak gas concentrations in the granite weathered soil were lower than those in the Jumunjin standard sand at the beginning of gas leaking from a pipe, but inverse phenomenon was occured at steady state.
