여러 가지 컴퓨터 메모리 참조 방법과 자료구조에 대한 단체법 프로그램 수행 속도의 비교

Experimental Comparisons of Simplex Method Program's Speed with Various Memory Referencing Techniques and Data Structures

  • 투고 : 19970700
  • 발행 : 1998.07.31


In this paper, various techniques considering the characteristics of computer memory management are suggested, which can be used in the implementation of simplex method. First, reduction technique of indirect addressing, redundant references of memory, and scatter/gather technique are implemented, and the effectiveness of the techniques is shown. Loop-unrolling technique, which exploits the arithmetic operation mechanism of computer, is also implemented. Second, a subroutine frequently called is written in low-level language, and the effectiveness is proved by experimental results. Third, row-column linked list and Gustavson's data structure are compared as the data structure for the large sparse matrix in LU form. Last, buffering technique and memory-mapped file which can be used in reading large data file are implemented and the effectiveness is shown.



연구 과제번호 : 목적기초연구

연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국과학재단