Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration (간호행정학회지)
- Volume 4 Issue 2
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- Pages.439-455
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- 1998
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- 1225-9330(pISSN)
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- 2288-4955(eISSN)
A Study of Perception and Practice on Family Nursing of Clinical Nurse
임상간호사의 가족간호에 대한 인식 및 수행정도에 관한 연구
- Oh, Moon-Sook (Saint Paul's hospital. Catholic University)
- 오문숙 (가톨릭대학교 의과대학 부속 성바오로병원)
- Published : 1998.08.25
This is the descriptive investigation study intended to provide basic informations to develop concrete method of nurse arbitration which can improve the quality of nursing care on family by investigating and analyzing the perception and practice on family nursing of clinical nurse. 332 nurses working in 4 university hospitals in Seoul have been the object and the collection of data have been conducted by visiting cooperated by the department of nursing in university hospital from April 4th through April 17th 1998. The measuring instrument of the perception and the practice on family nursing which was written by the researcher was used based on the family nursing arbitration by recently amending Calgary Family Arbitration of the Model of Wright & Leahey. Cronbach's a value of this instrument was .9288 in the perception and .9168 in the practice the collected data have been analyzed by frequency percentage, averaged value. t-test, F-test(ANOVA), Duncan's Multiple Range, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, and the results are as the follows: 1. The perception on patient's family nursing of clinical nurse showed comparatively high by 3.22 in average(maximum 3.52, minimum 2.82) on the basis of 4 point but the practice showed low by average 2.47(maximum 3.02, minimum 2.11), By providing the patients and their family with "The information about the health problem of the which is the role of giving explanation and information about the disease. the nurse presents the method of their helping patient and in case that the family lack of knowledge about the health problem and crisis of the patient which is the role of education about the method of solving the crisis and change. the nurse educates about the necessity and method of taking care of the crisis and the changes. The third question that the relation of recognizing the difficuly of family and cooperating with them in supporting the patient for mutual function is to be formed showed high in the degree of perception and practice of the necessity. 2. General characteristics of perception about patient's family nursing of the object showed no significant difference except the concerns about the family usually(F=5.472. p<.001) and general characteristics which showed significant difference in the degree of practice were educational background (F=3.177, p<.05), clinical experience (F=2.462, p<.05) and position(F=7.029. p<.001), and attention about patient's family(F=10.603, p<.001), 3. The relation between perception and practice about the nursing on patient's family showed pure correlation but the degree was very low(r=.188, p<.05). The above results showed that the clinical nurses has been high understanding about the necessity of patient's family nursing but the degree of practice has been very low due to the lack of education about the family nursing, having no ways of nurse arbitration for practical duty and lack of political administrative support. Therefore concrete and systematic family situation and arbitration method to be applied clinically are required to be developed and also the education about patient's family nursing and the development of the course for clinical practice are required and political and administrative support for clinical practice about patient's family nursing is required as well.