Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration (간호행정학회지)
- Volume 4 Issue 2
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- Pages.405-418
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- 1998
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- 1225-9330(pISSN)
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- 2288-4955(eISSN)
Patients Satisfaction with Nursing Care in the Emergency Department
응급실 이용현황과 환자의 간호만족도 조사연구
- Kim, Do-Sun (College of Nursing. Yonsei University)
- 김도선 (연세대학교 간호대학 지역사회간호학 교실)
- Published : 1998.08.25
The purpose of this study was to describe patients satisfaction with nursing care in the emergency department and factors influencing satisfaction rates. 1. The mean score of patient satisfaction with nursing care in the emergency departments was 2.70. The mean scores of patient satisfaction with different aspects of nursing care services were 3.05 for nursing services for psychological safety: 2.67 for technical competence: 2.49 for information giving: and 1.35 for discharge teaching. 2. Patient satisfaction with nursing care services provided. according to the general characteristics of the patients. was revealed as being significantly high for the groups of patients made up of those who were male. those over 51years of age. married subjects. those with an education level of high school or below level. housewives. Buddhists. and those in the middle economic level. Patient satisfaction with nursing care according to their service utilization in the emergency departments revealed that satisfaction was significantly high for patients who were in internal medicine. neurology or psychiatry. those admitted for the first time. those for whom the distance from the department to home was less than 30 minutes. patients who visited between monday and Friday and between 8AM and 4PM. patients who did not have to wait to be seen and those who stayed in the department less than 24 hours. 3. The correlation between the patients' general characteristics. nursing service utilization of the patients in the department and their satisfaction with nursing care showed that patients with longer waiting time had lower satisfactory scores for nursing service. 4. The registered nurses working in the emergency department reported that the main reasons for low satisfaction rates included 'over worked nurses' and 'too many patients' in the emergency department. In conclusion. the results of this study suggest the necessity of developing relevant nursing interventions for discharge teaching to increase patient satisfaction with nursing care services in emergency departments: and the need for adequate support from hospital administrators to improve patients' service utilization.