Supported by : 교육부
An axisymmetric jet is forced with two helical fundamental waves of identical frequency spinning in opposite directions and an additional axisymmetric sub harmonic wave. The subharmonic component rapidly grows downstream from subharmonic resonance with the fundamental, significantly depending on the initial phase difference. The variations of the subharmonic amplitude with the initial phase difference show cusp-like shapes. The amplification of the sub harmonic results in 'vortex pairing of helical modes'. Furthermore, azimuthal variation of the amplification induces an asymmetric jet cross-section. When the initial subharmonics is imposed with an initial phase difference close to a critical value, the jet-cross section evolves into a three-lobed shape. One lobe is generated by the enhanced vortex pairing and the other two lobes are generated by the delayed vortex pairing. Thus, it is confirmed that the initial phase difference between the fundamental and the subharmonic plays an important role in controlling the jet cross-section.
Supported by : 교육부