An Ambiguity-free Surface Construction from Volume Data

입체적인 데이터에서 애매성-프리 표면 재구성

  • Published : 1998.03.01


This paper presents a simple method for relieving the ambiguity problems within the sub-voxel based surface-fitting approach for the surface construction. ECB algorithm is proposed to avoid the ambiguity problem which is the root of the holes within the resulting polygon based approximation. The basic idea of our disambiguation strategy is the use of a set of predefined modeling primitives (we call SMP) which guarantees the topological consistency of resulted surface polygons. 20 SMPs are derived from the extension of the concept of the elementary modeling primitives in the CB algorithm [3], and fit one to five faces of them to the iso-surface crossing a cell with no further processing. A look-up table which has a surface triangle list is pre-calculated using these 20 SMPs. All of surface triangles in the table are from the faces of SMPs and are stored in the form of edge list on which vertices of each surface triangle are located. The resulted polygon based approximation is unique at every threshold value and its validity is guaranteed without considering the complicated problems such as average of density and postprocessing. ECB algorithm could be free from the need for the time consuming post-processing, which eliminates holes by revisiting every boundary cell. Through three experiments of surface construction from volume data, its capability of hole avoidance is showed.
