Supported by : 교육부
The purpose of this study is to find P-wave crustal velocity structure and the Moho characteristics beneath Seoul (SEO) and Inchon (INCN) stations using broadband teleseismic records. The use of broadband receiver function analysis is increasing to estimate the fine-scale velocity structure of the lithosphere. The broadband receiver functions are developed from teleseismic events of P waveforms recorded at Seoul (SEO) and Inchon (INCN) stations, and are analyzed to examine the crustal structure beneath the stations. The teleseismic receiver functions are inverted in the time domain of the vertical P wave velocity structures beneath the stations. The crustal velocity structures beneath the stations are estimated using the receiver function inversion method (Ammon et al., 1990). The general features of inversion results are as follows: (1) For the Seoul station, the Conrad and Moho discontinuities exist at 22 km and 30 km depth in the south (
Supported by : 교육부