SCV형상별 경사텀블유동의 난류증가 특성 해석

Turbulence Enhancement Characteristics Analysis of Inclined-Tumbles for Various SCV Configurations

  • Published : 1998.11.30


It has been demonstrated that the in-cylinder turbulence is enhanced by inclined swirl with a SCV(swirl control valve). The inclined-tumble flow measurement and analysis were performed for various types of intake systems that generated several different combinations of swirl ratio and tumble ratio in the cylinder. Experiments were conducted in a 4-valve optically accessed transparent research engine using a backward-scatter LDV mode under motoring condition at 1,000rpm. The influence of swirl/tumble levels on the characteristics of turbulence was analysed. This study presents experimental results of the inclined-tumble flow structure, including the flow motion phenomena, angular momentum and turbulence intensity.
