Buckling of the multi-vaulted "Aster" shell under axial compression alone or combined with an external pressure

  • Araar, M. (University of Annaba, Institute of Civil Engineering) ;
  • Derbali, M. (University of Annaba, Institute of Civil Engineering) ;
  • Jullien, J.F. (INSA of Lyon)
  • 발행 : 1998.10.25


This paper presents a study of buckling of the multi-vaulted cylindrical shell ("Aster"), under an axial compression alone or combined with an external pressure. This shell which was presented in a recent paper is a self-stiffened structure having a satisfactory behaviour and a higher buckling strength under external pressure than a circular cylindrical shell with the same dimensions. The results of this study emphasize the interest of the behaviour of the "Aster" shell under two other types of loading, revealing an acceptable level of strength which is favorable for an expansion of its use in other areas.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Imperfection-insensitive axially loaded thin cylindrical shells vol.62, 2015,
  2. Optimisation and compressive testing of additively manufactured stainless steel corrugated shells vol.4, pp.2, 1998,