Analysis of composite plates using various plate theories -Part 1: Formulation and analytical solutions

  • Bose, P. (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University) ;
  • Reddy, J.N. (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University)
  • 발행 : 1998.09.25


A unified third-order laminate plate theory that contains classical, first-order and third-order theories as special cases is presented. Analytical solutions using the Navier and L$\acute{e}$vy solution procedures are presented. The Navier solutions are limited to simply supported rectangular plates while the L$\acute{e}$vy solutions are restricted to rectangular plates with two parallel edges simply supported and other two edges having arbitrary combination of simply supported, clamped, and free boundary conditions. Numerical results of bending and vibration for a number of problems are discussed in the second part of the paper.



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  29. Higher-order shear deformable finite strip for the flexure analysis of composite laminates vol.23, pp.2, 2001,
  30. On the radially symmetric vibrations of circular sandwich plates with polar orthotropic facings and isotropic core of quadratically varying thickness by harmonic differential quadrature method vol.51, pp.3, 2016,
  31. Free vibration analysis of composite sandwich plates based on Reddy's higher-order theory vol.33, pp.7, 2002,
  32. On radially symmetric vibrations of circular sandwich plates of non-uniform thickness vol.99, 2015,
  33. Free Vibration of Two-layered Cross-Ply Laminated Plates Using Layer-wise Trigonometric Shear Deformation Theory vol.23, pp.4, 2004,
  34. Accurate Determination of Interlaminar Stresses in General Cross-Ply Laminates vol.11, pp.1, 2004,
  35. Dynamic simulation of crack initiation and propagation in cross-ply laminates by DEM vol.71, pp.11, 2011,
  36. A further study on nonlinear vibration of initially stressed plates vol.172, pp.1, 2006,
  37. Vibration and Stability of Functionally Graded Plates Based on a Higher-order Deformation Theory vol.28, pp.10, 2009,
  38. A generalized unconstrained theory and isogeometric finite element analysis based on Bézier extraction for laminated composite plates vol.32, pp.3, 2016,
  39. Assessment of plate theories for initially stressed hybrid laminated plates vol.88, pp.2, 2009,
  40. A modified Fourier–Ritz solution for vibration and damping analysis of sandwich plates with viscoelastic and functionally graded materials vol.106, 2016,
  41. Free vibration and transverse stresses of viscoelastic laminated plates vol.30, pp.1, 2009,
  42. Deformation characteristics of composite laminates—part II: an experimental/numerical study on equivalent single-layer theories vol.62, pp.1, 2002,
  43. Free edge stress analysis of general cross-ply composite laminates under extension and thermal loading vol.60, pp.1, 2003,
  44. Quadrilateral finite elements for multilayer sandwich plates vol.38, pp.5, 2003,
  45. A serendipity plate element free of modeling deficiencies for the analysis of laminated composites vol.154, 2016,
  46. Free vibration and stability analysis of piezolaminated plates using the finite element method vol.22, pp.12, 2013,
  47. Analysis of laminated composite and sandwich plate structures using generalized layerwise HSDT and improved meshfree radial point interpolation method vol.58, 2016,
  48. Analytical solutions for bending analysis of rectangular laminated plates with arbitrary lamination and boundary conditions vol.23, pp.8, 2009,
  49. A nonlinear modified couple stress-based third-order theory of functionally graded plates vol.94, pp.3, 2012,
  50. Estimation of transverse/interlaminar stresses in laminated composites – a selective review and survey of current developments vol.49, pp.1, 2000,
  51. Identification and elimination of parasitic shear in a laminated composite beam finite element vol.37, pp.8, 2006,
  52. Transient response analysis of cross-ply composite laminated rectangular plates with general boundary restraints by the method of reverberation ray matrix vol.152, 2016,
  53. Through-the-thickness distribution of strains in laminated composite plates subjected to bending vol.64, pp.1, 2004,
  54. Nonlinear vibration analysis of composite laminated and sandwich plates with random material properties vol.52, pp.7, 2010,
  55. Free vibration analysis of moderately thick rectangular laminated composite plates with arbitrary boundary conditions vol.35, pp.2, 1998,
  56. NURBS-based thermo-elastic analyses of laminated and sandwich composite plates vol.44, pp.4, 1998,
  57. Development of a 2D Isoparametric Finite-Element Model Based on Reddy’s Third-Order Theory for the Bending Behavior Analysis of Composite Laminated Plates vol.55, pp.2, 1998,
  58. Evaluation of bending and post-buckling behavior of thin-walled FG beams in geometrical nonlinear regime with CUF vol.275, pp.None, 1998,