Soil Loss and Water Runoff in a Watershed in Yeoju

소유역(小流域)에서 토양(土壤) 유실(流失) 및 물 유출양상(流出樣相)

  • Lee, Nan-Jong (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology) ;
  • Oh, Se-Jin (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology) ;
  • Jung, Pil-Kyun (National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology)
  • Published : 1998.09.30


Soil loss and runoff were investigated in a small watershed located in Sangeo-ri, Yeoju-eup, Yeoju-gun, Kyonggi-do. The watershed with the area of 35 ha consists of forest, grassland, uplands and mulberry. V-notch type water tank. flow-meter, automatic water sampler and rain gauge were installed at the main outlet stream. Out of $1.037.9Mg\;35ha^{-1}$ of total annual rainfall. 17.9% was lost via run-off. The total amount of soil eroded was $152.2Mg\;35ha^{-1}$, of which $78.6Mg\;35ha^{-1}$ was suspended load and $73.6Mg\;35ha^{-1}$ ha was sediment load. The soil losses under different land uses were $16.02Mg\;ha^{-1}$ for upland annual Crops. $2.69Mg\;ha^{-1}$ for mulberry field, $0.58Mg\;ha^{-1}$ for grassland and $0.55Mg\;ha^{-1}$ for forest. The predicted soil loss by Universal Soil Loss Equation was approximately 20% underestimated in forest, grassland and uplands, and 32% underestimated in mulberry field.

여주군 여주읍 상거리 내의 임지, 초지, 밭으로 구성되어 있는 소규모 농업유역에서 (35ha) 유출 및 퇴사 탱크를 시설하고 $90^{\circ}V$노치를 설치하여 토양 유실 및 물 수지(收支)를 측정한 결과는 다음과 같다. 유역내 토양 유실량은 $152.2Mg\;35ha^{-1}$으로 유사량은 $78.6Mg\;35ha^{-1}$, 퇴사량 $73.6Mg\;35ha^{-1}$이였다. 유역내 물 유출량은 $65,018Mg\;35ha^{-1}$로 강우량 1,037.9 mm의 17.9 %가 유출되었다 토지 이용별 토양 유실량은 밭 $16.02Mg\;ha^{-1}$, 상전 $2.69Mg\;ha^{-1}$, 초지 $0.58Mg\;ha^{-1}$, 임지 $0.55Mg\;ha^{-1}$ 유실되었다. 토양유실 예측공식에 의한 토양 유실량의 예측치는 실측치보다 임지, 초지 및 밭은 약 20 %정도 과소 추정, 상전은 32% 정도 과소 추정되었다.
