Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society (대한관절경학회지)
- Volume 2 Issue 1
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- Pages.4-14
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- 1998
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- 1226-9352(pISSN)
Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Posterior Cruciate Ligament
후방 십자 인대의 해부학과 생역학
- Kim, Hyoung-Soo (Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Inha University, Inha General Hospital)
- 김형수 (인하대학교 의과대학 인하병원 정형외과학교실)
- Published : 1998.06.01
As with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, posterior cruciate ligament(PCL) reconstruction requires a good understanding of the anatomy and biomechanical properties of the PCL to place the graft correctly as well as to choose the appropriate structure and material for the graft. The anatomy and function of the PCL can be somewhat confusing and continuing to evolve so far. Recent studies have focused on the insertion site anatomy and the identification of the functional components of the ligament. The issue of the ligament isometry and the role of PCL in knee kinematics are still totally resolved. This article can be provided an update on current concepts of the anatomy and biomechanics of the PCL through literature reviews. A clear understanding of these knowledges enables the clinicians to diagnose injuries to the PCL accurately and to reconstruct these structures successfully.