Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
- Volume 1 Issue 2
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- Pages.205-211
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- 1998
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- 2288-8721(eISSN)
Hemiarthroplasty in Comminuted Fracture and Dislocation of the Proximal Humerus
상완골 근위부 분쇄성 골절 및 탈구에서 시행한 견관절 반치환술
- Hwang Sung-Kwan (Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Yonsei University, Wonju College of Medicine) ;
- Kim Yong-Seok (Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Yonsei University, Wonju College of Medicine)
- Published : 1998.11.01
The comminuted fracture and dislocation of the proximal humerus occur more frequently in older patient group and operative treatment is difficult due to poor bone quality. Based on Neer's work, hemiarthroplasty has now become widly accepted for the management of the three-part fracture and four-part fracture-dislocation of the proximal humerus in old age group. The purpose of this study is to evaluate function, pain relief, and patient satisfaction after hemiarthroplasty for proximal humerus fractures and dislocations. Authors reviewed and analyzed 14 prosthetic replacement in comminuted proximal humeral fracture and dislocation at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine from March, 1988 to May, 1997. The results were as follows the average age was 58.9years and the ratio of males and females was 5:9. The most common cause of injury was traffic accident(43%). According to the classification of Neer, three part fracture were three(21%), four-part fracture and four-part fracture-dislocation were eleven(79%). The prosthetic replacement was performed within two weeks in eight patient and six were performed after two weeks. The results were analysed according to Neer's criteria and five cases showed satisfactory results. We concluded that hemiarthroplasty for fracture and dislocation of the proximal humerus facilitated the restoration of humerus length and pain relief, thereby allowing earlier motion to prevent the development of painful shoulder: stiffness.
저자들은 상완골 근위부의 골절탈구로 일차성 견관절 반치환술로 치료받은 환자 25례중 14례를 대상으로 치료결과를 분석하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 전례에서 동통은 소실되거나 완화되었으나 Neer의 평가에 따라 총 14례중 5례에서만 만족할만 한 결과를 믿었으며 나머지 9례에서는 불만족한 결과를 보였다. 2. 수상시 상완곤두의 분쇄상이 심하거나, 수술이 지연되어 골편치 연화가 심한 경우 상완골 길이와 humeral offset의 유지가 힘들었으며, 견관절 반치환술 시팽한 측이 정상측보다 1cm 이상 단축을 보인 경우가 5례였으며 이 경우 능동적 견관절 운동범위가 정상측보다 감소되었다. 3. 견관절 반치환술은 분쇄상 상완골 근위부 골절에서 사용되어지며 동통의 감소와 기능의 호전은 있으나 완전한 회복은 어려우며 수술시 연부조직 손상이 적고 적당한 후염각, 결절의 재건 과 회전근개의 수복은 필수적이다. humeral offset과 길이의 유지는 술 후 능동적 견관절 운동 범위의 향상에 영향을 미치며 아울러 환자의 협조하에 체계적인 재활운동이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.