A Study on Seepage Characteristics in Case of Seaward Seepage Through Sea-dike

역경사 현태를 가진 방조제 성토층 단명에서의 침출현상 연구

  • 홍변만 (농어촌진흥공사 농어촌연구원)
  • Published : 1998.10.01


In design and management of sea0dikes, engineers need to study various transient seepage conditions through dikes not only for the sea water infiltration into dikes due to cyclic rises of sea water level also for the seepage flow out from dikes toward the sea due to cyclic drawdown of sea water level. Characteristics of seepage flow toward the sea from dikes are more complicated than as known and remained unclearly. The case of such seepage flow may be explained by figuring out seepage characteristics in filter as a part of sea-dikes. Filters in most sea-dikes in Korea are inevitably placed with reversely inclined shape due to field construction conditions. Most computer programs for seepage analysis based on the various numerical methods give practically acceptable results, but for the case of reversely inclined section of filters any verification to apply them might be needed. In this study, large scaled model tests were executed to verify and understand seepage flow through earth-filled sea-dikes. The results from numerical analysis and model tests show some remarkable differences in pore pressure distribution under cyclic changes of see level, and some of the results need to be considered in design and construction practices with further study.
