Prelectin Histochemistry for Effects of N-Nitrosodimethylamine on Glycoconjugates in the Rat Lingual Glands

N-Nitrosodimethylamine이 흰쥐 설선의 Glycoconjugates에 미치는 영향에 대한 Prelectin 조직화학

  • 조운복 (부산대학교 사범대학 생물교육과) ;
  • 조기진 (부산대학교 사범대학 생물교육과)
  • Published : 1998.10.01


The effect of N-Nitrosodimethylamine(NDMA) on the glycoconjugates of rat lingual salivary gland was examined by prelectin histochemical methods. Sprague-Dawley rats weighing about 250-300g were divided into control and experimental groups. Each rat of experimental groups was administrated NDMA(17mg/kg) orally and sacrificed in 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 hours after NDMA administration. The regional differences and change of glycoco-njugates were elucidated by prelectin histochemical methods, such as periodic acid Schiff's(PAS) reaction, alcian blue (AB) pH 2.5, AB pH 0.4, AB pH 2.5-PAS, aldehyde fuchsin(AF) pH 1.7-AB pH 2.5 and high iron diamine(HID)-AB pH 2.5 staining. The major morphological changes in the von Ebner’s gland of NDMA administrated groups were withering and des-truction of serous acini, diminution and disappearance of cytoplasmic granules and vacuolation in cytoplasm of serous cells, and mucinous changes of duct epithelial cells. These changes were noted in NDMA administrated groups for 12 to 72 hours. In the lingual mucous gland of NDMA administrated groups, the major morphological changes were enlargement, fusion and destruction of mucous acini, loss of cytoplasmic granules and vacuolated generation in cytop-lasm of mucous cells, and mucinous change of duct epithelial cells. These changes were severe in NDMA administra-ted groups for 12 to 72 hours. In NDMA administrated groups of lingual von Ebner's gland for 12 and 72 hours, the neutral glycoconjugates be-come diminished remarkably compared to the control group. The decreased amount of neutral glycoconjugates tended to be gradually recovered from 96 hours group. The acidic glycoconjugates which were not detected in control group were found in a few serous cells of these gland of NDMA administrated groups for 6 to 48 hours and 120 ho-urs. The remarkable decrease of neutral and acidic glycoconjugates was observed in the lingual mucous glands 3, 24 and 48 hours after NDMA administration, and the striking decrease of acidic glycoconjugates was found in 72 hours groups. Among acidic glycoconjugates, sulfated glycoconjugates tended to decrease in NDMA administrated groups for 72 hours, while sialic glycoconjugates were increased in NDMA administrated groups for 3, 12 and 48 hours.

발암물질인 NDMA 17m/kg을 경구 투여했을 때 흰쥐설 von Ebner선과 설 점액선의 glycoconjugates에 미치는 영향을 prelectin 조직화학법인 PAS반응, AB pH 2.5 염색법, AB pH 0.4 염색법, AB pH 2.5 -PAS 염색법, AF pH 1.7-AB pH 2.5 염색법 및 HID-AB pH 2.5 염색법으로 연구하였다. NDMA 투여군의 설 von Ebner선의 형태적인 주된 변화는 장액선포의 위축 및 파괴, 장액세포의 세포질 과립의 감소 및 소실, 세포질의 공포변성 그리고 도관상피세포의 점액화였으며 NDMA 투여후 12시간군부터 72시간군까지 현저하였다. NDMA 투여군의 설점액선의 주된 형태적 변화는 점액선포의 확장, 융합, 파괴 및 점액세포의 세포질의 과립 소실 및 공포변성, 도관상피의 점액화 등이었으며 NDMA 투여후 12시간군부터 72시간군까지 현저하였다. 설 von Ebner선의 neutral glycoconjugates가 대조군에 비해 NDMA 투여후 12시간군과 72시간군에서 현저히 감소되었으며 NDMA 투여후 96시간군후에 회복되는 경향을 나타내었다. 대조군에서 나타나지 않던 acidic glycoconju-gates가 NDMA 투여후 6시간군부터 48시간군, 그리고 120시간군에서 약간의 장액세포들에서 나타났다. 설 점액선의 neutral glycoconjugates와 acidic glycocon-jugates가 대조군에 비해 NDMA 투여후 3시간군, 24시간군, 48시간군에서 다같이 현저히 감소되었으며, 후자는 NDMA 투여후 72시간군에 아주 현저히 감소하였다. Aci-dic glycoconjugates중 sulfated glycoconjugates는 대조군에 비해 NDMA 투여후 감소하는 경향을 나타내며 NDMA 투여후 72시간군에 가장 현저한 감소를 나타내는데 비해 sialic glycoconjugates는 NDMA 투여후 3시간군, 12시간 군 및 48시간군에서 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다.
