수학교과의 동형고사 문항에서 양호도 향상에 유효한 최적정답율 산정에 관한 연구

Study on Estimating the Optimal Number-right Score in Two Equivalent Mathematics-test by Linear Score Equating

  • 발행 : 1998.05.01


In this paper, we have represented the efficient way how to enumerate the optimal number-right scores to adjust the item difficulty and to improve item discrimination. To estimate the optimal number-right scores in two equivalent math-tests by linear score equating a measurement error model was applied to the true scores observed from a pair of equivalent math-tests assumed to measure same trait. The model specification for true scores which is represented by the bivariate model is a simple regression model to inference the optimal number-right scores and we assume again that the two simple regression lines of raw scores and true scores are independent each other in their error models. We enumerated the difference between mean value of $\chi$* and ${\mu}$$\_$$\chi$/ and the difference between the mean value of y*and a+b${\mu}$$\_$$\chi$/ by making an inference the estimates from 2 error variable regression model. Furthermore, so as to distinguish from the original score points, the estimated number-right scores y’$\^$*/ as the estimated regression values of true scores with the same coordinate were moved to center points that were composed of such difference values with result of such parallel score moving procedure as above mentioned. We got the asymptotically normal distribution in Figure 5 that was represented as the optimal distribution of the optimal number-right scores so that we could decide the optimal proportion of number-right score in each item. Also by assumption that equivalence of two tests is closely connected to unidimensionality of a student’s ability. we introduce new definition of trait score to evaluate such ability in each item. In this study there are much limitations in getting the real true scores and in analyzing data of the bivariate error model. However, even with these limitations we believe that this study indicates that the estimation of optimal number right scores by using this enumeration procedure could be easily achieved.
